DTI Implementing Guidelines for 2014 Grassroots Participatory Budgeting Process (formerly known as BuB) Atty. Marvie M. Fulgencio
2014 GPB Project Implementation DTI Regional/Provincial Office to: 1. Inform LGU regarding acceptance & approval of budget for implementation; 2. Facilitate compliance by LGU with requirements for implementation of GPB projects in accordance with guidelines; 3. Provide technical assistance
LGU ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS a) Technical capability to implement the project as determined by DTI;Technical capability b) Recipient of DILG’s SGH for FY 2013 assessment; c) Substantial progress in implementing its Public Management Improvement Plan; d) No unliquidated cash advances from DTI based on existing auditing qualifications
GPB PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES I.DTI-CAR to inform LGU of approval of GPB Project for implementation; II.Implementing LGU to submit required documents; required documents III.DTI-CAR to evaluate the documents: -assess if ELIGIBLE or NOT ELIGIBLE IV. DTI to comply with GPB Monitoring Tool issued by DBM
IF LGU ELIGIBLE to implement 1.DTI to notify LGU of approval to implement the project with draft MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 2.LGU to submit signed MOA and Resolution of Sangguniang Bayan 3. DTI representative to sign MOA and facilitate the release of fundrelease of fund
IF LGU NOT ELIGIBLE 1.DTI to implement the project in coordination with the LGU and in accordance with the approved project plan
2014 Summary of GPB Projects Province# of Municipalities Covered # of ProjectsTotal Abra356,460,000 Apayao NO PROJECTSENROLLED FOR DTI Benguet461,712,500 Ifugao7145,937,500 Kalinga5162,825,250 Mt. Province343,929,400 Sub Total224520,864,650 MOOE626,350 GRAND TOTAL21,491,000
Summary of 2014 GPB Projects ProvinceMunicipalityProjectAmountTotal ABRA Pilar Rural Microenterprise Promotion Program5,000, Tayum Industry Cluster Development Program500, Tubo 960, Herbal Shampoo Making170, Enhancement of Loom Weaving640, Ginger Tea Production150, Sub total 6,460, BENGUET Baguio City One Town One Product1,000, Bakun 400, Recycling and Soap Making200, Livelihood (Ginger Tea Processing)200, Buguias Buguias Bamboo Nursery Production170, Kabayan 142, Training on Beads Making47, Vegetable Processing Training95,000.00
ProvinceMunicipalityProjectAmountTotal Sub total1,712, IFUGAO Asipulo Ginger and Taro Processing500, Banaue Integrated Micro-Enterprise Development Program 1,800, Hingyon 1,600, Livelihood Food Processing800, Making of / or Buy and Sell Ifugao attire, pendant, tools 500, Income Generating Projects300, Hungduan Improvement of Hungduan Processing and Display Center 500, Lamut 237, Improvement of OTOP Pasalubong Center 166, Eco Bag Training71, Mayoyao 350, Training cum Livelihood for BALTODA100,000.00
ProvinceMunicipalityProjectAmountTotal Women Training cum Livelihood (Food Processing) 250, Tinoc 950, Indigenous Herb, Food and Fruit Preservation/Processing and Product Enhancement 250, Integrated Micro-Enterprise Development Program for SNDC 200, Integrated Micro-Enterprise Development200, Carrot Juice Processing300, Sub total5,937, KALINGABalbalan 225, Skills Training on Furniture85, Mat Weaving61, Soft Broom Making36, Training on Souvenir SGDH42, Lubuagan 1,400, Livelihood Assistance to Upper Uma Blacksmiths 400,000.00
ProvinceMunicipalityProjectAmountTotal Livelihood Assistance to Upper Uma Soft Broom Making 400, Livelihood Assistance to Western Uma Soft Broom Making 200, Livelihood Assistance to Blacksmith200, Improvement of Lubuagan Display Center200, Pasil Soft Broom Making with Skills Development Training 150, Tanudan Bamboo Development Project150, Tabuk 900, Taro Processing100, Mushroom Production and Processing100, Meat Processing200, Slippes and Bag Making200, Noodle Making300, Sub total2,825, MT. PROV.Bauko 2,045, Integrated Development Assistance for the Food Processing Sector of Bauko 2,000,000.00
ProvinceMunicipalityProjectAmountTotal Bontoc Processing, Packaging, Labelling and Marketing Products 170, Tadian 1,759, Bamboo Development Project50, Display Center for OTOP (Ayyoweng Products) and other SME Products 1,709, Sub total3,929, GRAND TOTAL 20,864,650.00
DTI Menu of Programs for 2014 Replacement Projects DTI - Local Regional Economic Development - Yaman Pinoy - Rural Micro Enterprise Development Program - Support to Shared Service Facility - Mobile OTOP Store - Industry Clustering Development Program - Price Mapping and Monitoring
Indicative List for 2015 PROVINCEMUNICIPALITYNAME OF PROJECTAMOUNT ABRABanguedTrainings a) Skill and Industry focus training b) Product Quality and Safety Training and c)Entrepreneurial training and planning/organization development workshop 1.4M VillaviciosaYaman Pinoy0.7M Sub Total2.1 M ApayaoSta. MarcelaMicro lending Project ** to SME Development Assistance0.58 CalanasanIndustry Clustering and Development Program2.0 M Shared Service Facilities2.535M Yaman Pinoy1.5 M OTOP Store (NO PROJECT BRIEF ON FILE)1.95M OTOP Store Express1.5 M Sub Total10.065M BenguetBokodYaman Pinoy (Municipal Wide)1.0 M La TrinidadYaman Pinoy/Livelihood Program/Entrepreneurial Development Program 1.0M Sub Total2.0 M
Indicative List for 2015 PROVINCEMUNICIPALITYNAME OF PROJECTAMOUNT IfugaoMayoyaoCapacity Building Training0.5M Sub Total0.5 M KalingaLubuganRural Micro Enterprise Development for Metal Works 0.5M PasilPottery Industry TinglayanEmployability Skills Training0.5M Capability Building Projects0.5M Sub Total2.0022M Mt. ProvinceTadianEstablishment of OTOP Store Express1.0 M BaukoRehabilitation of SSF for Potters1.2 M Municipal SSF (Phase II)5.0 M Shared Service Facility1.5 M Sub Total8.7 M Grand Total M