May 2011 / Frederieke Vermeer, projectmanager Florist Panel Research results of the florist panel from the Dutch Product Board for Horticulture Information needs and wants
CONTENT OF PRESENTATION Product Board for Horticulture Florist Panel Information needs & wants
Product Board for Horticulture Public business organisation Represent the whole horticulture column; breeder retailer & employers employees Agreements are legally binding for the entire Dutch horticulture sector All companies in the Dutch horticulture sector pay toward the collective activities Aim; strengthening the Dutch horticulture sector
Product Board for Horticulture Research & finance projects: Quality, breeding, standardisation, carbon footprint etc. Legislation Promotion (Subsidiary companies): Flower Council of Holland Market research
Florist Panel Online dedicated business forum Netherlands, Germany, France, United Kingdom +/- 600 members per panel Every 6 weeks a research invitation ( ) Entirely free to participate, no obligations involved. Aim; getting better insight in needs and wants of florist so that growers, trading companies and other florists organisations can improve their products and services accordingly.
Information needs and wants
Trade publications Please indicate which information you get from the following trade publications? Note: multiple choice unless indicated "N / A
Florists and other organisations Please indicate what kind of information you get from the following organisations? Note: multiple choice unless indicated "N / A
Florists organisations Please indicate what kind of information you get from the following florists organisations? Note: multiple choice unless indicated "N / A
Other information sources Please indicate what kind of information you get from the following information sources? Note: multiple choice unless indicated "N / A
Information need...?! Here is a list of aspects about which you could gather information. Please indicate which statement applies to each one. Note: multiple choice unless indicated "N / A
Preferred information source Please indicate what kind of information you get from the following florists organisations? Note: multiple choice unless indicated "N / A
Thank you for your attention.