The Spread of Greek Civilization The period of 400 B.C. was Greece’s Golden Age. The Athenians used public buildings as the showplace of Greek culture. The Acropolis - the huge statue of Athena. The Parthenon has been a model for public buildings ever since 447 B.C. The Golden Mean - a balance between excess and understatement. Temples were shrines to Greek culture.
Greek Sculpture and Painting Most Greek paintings come to us from Roman copies or descriptions. Greek vases are the most common example of everyday Greek life. An example of Greek paintings would be the “The Sack of Troy”, a public mural. Few original Greek works still exist in sculpture as well. Myron and Phidias are two famous Greek sculptors. Myron, “The Discus Thrower”. Phidias, The statue of Athena at the Parthenon.
Sculpture and Greek Art Praxiteles work expressed the Greek ideal the human body. They were delicate, lifelike. Four characteristics of Greek Art. 1. Greek art glorified humans, no blemishes. 2. Greek art symbolized the people’s pride in the city state. Shrines to the God and their own accomplishments. 3. All Greek Art expressed ideals of harmony and balance. Art should be useful and beautiful.
Greek Philosophers and Writers Socrates - One of Histories Greatest thinkers. He criticized the Sophists, he preferred Philosopher. ( Lover of Wisdom) The Socratic method of teaching is to pose a question. People should find their own answers. “Know thyself” He was forced to drink hemlock for corrupting the youth of Athens. Plato - Socrates’ greatest pupil, he wrote dialogues using Socrates as his speaker. Plato’s “Republic”, ideal government.
Greek Philosophers and Writers ( cont) Aristotle - Plato’s student in the Academy. Started his own school in 335 B.C. Aristotle wanted to compile and explore all fields of knowledge. Aristotle collected and cataloged plants, in Ethics, he examined belief systems, Poetics, Greek Drama, and Logic, reasoning, and Politics, he studies government. Aristotle believed in the division of power He worried in Democracy of the mob appointing a dictator.
Mathematics and Science Mathematics - in 500 B.C. Pythagoras thought that everything could be explained by numbers. Pythagorean theorem - the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Aristotle - laid the groundwork for botany and zoology. Democritus - developed the theory of the atom. Hippocrates - considered the founder of medicine. Hippocratic oath - a code of ethics.
History and Drama Herodotus - Visited Babylon, Egypt, a wonderful story teller. Considered the “Father of History.” Thucydides - wrote the “History of the Peloponnesian War”, a scientific approach to history. ( still used today as a primary source) Greeks were the first to write and perform dramas (plays containing action and dialogue involving conflict.) Greek dramas used little scenery. Men played women. Actors wore masks for emotion.
Greek Drama and Theatre Greek dramas were held in honor of Dionysus. Greek tragedies - the main character struggled against fate. He displayed hubris or an assumption of godlike qualities. Three great writers of Greek tragedy were, Aeschylus, Sophocles, (Oedipus the Tyrant ) and Euripides. Greek comedies the characters were able to solve their problems. A Greek comedy writer was Aristophanes . Women were often put in power. ( satire)