How advertising works 莆田十中高中英语教研组 黄 玲
Do you like McDonald's better than KFC because of the advertisement?
Advertisements WHERE? On billboards On buses On TV On the radio In train stations In newspapers In magazines At the cinema At the airport Everywhere
Understanding the advertisements in the text. 1. Water Q:What is the most common name for H 2 O? Water.
Q:What is the purpose of this advertisement? To encourage people to use water wisely and to save water where they can.
Q:What group of people is the advertisement made for? Young people who like sports, the latest fashions and like to be part of a group. 2. Super Shooze
A. Why are the first two lines written bigger than the rest of the advertisement? These lines appear bigger so that they are the first thing people notice about the ad. 3. Refresh water
Q:Why do advertisers often use the “Buy one get one free” message? People love a bargain, so they are attracted to free offers and are more likely to buy the product if they think they are getting something for free.
Q:What does this advertisement encourage you to think? It encourages us to think of the sky, air and our environment and about how the environment is being spoiled. 4. Environment
5. What do both “Speeding” and “How fast am I going” want people to do? They want drivers to stop speeding.
Scan the headings of each section and get a general understanding of the text. Scanning
Section I (para.1) Section II (para. 2) Section III (para. 3-7) Section IV (para. 8-9) Introduction What is an advertisement? How do advertisers make effective advertisements? How effective are advertisements? Sum up the main idea of each section.
Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words. How advertising works What is an advertisement? An advertisement is a ______________________ that informs or influences people. message or announcement
How advertising works How do advertisers make effective advertiseme nts? Identify your target Advertisers _________________ ______ and find out as much as possible about them, which ___________ for decisions about what type of advertising techniques to use with this group. identify the target group forms the basis
How do advertisers make effective advertisemen ts? Appeal to your target In order to ________ people to do something, advertisements often appeal to our hopes and dreams or our emotions. persuade
How do advertisers make effective advertisement s? Use a suitable medium As well as reaching the right audience with the right technique, advertisers must also ____________ _________________.Obviously, cost will play a big part in this decision. place their ads in the right medium place their ads in the right medium
How effective are advertisements? However good an advertisement is, people ______________ be persuaded if the product is unsuitable for them. On the other hand, ______________________ to advertisements can help to change our opinions over time. are unlikely to being constantly exposed
How to understand the two sentences: 1. We hear advertisements on the radio and come across them on the Internet. 2. Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements. Para 1
What is an ad? 1) Definition (a message or announcement that intends to inform or influence people) 2) Means (words, pictures, music, film…) 3) Advertisers (business, individuals, organizations, associations) Para 2
Para 3 1.Target audience means ________________________________. the people the advertisement intends to persuade. 2.It _____________ (有意义) to make computer game ads that __________ (迎合) adolescet boys. makes sense appeal to 3.Find out how the product would __________ (适合) the lives of target audience. fit into
Para 4 Everyone else is listening and if you want to be part of the group, you’d better listen too.
Buy our shoes and you’ll live an exciting life in the “fast lane”.
Q: What message does the advertisement give? If you wear our shoes you’ll have an exciting life, and be popular and have fun. Buy our shoes and you’ll live an exciting life in the “fast lane”.
Some adverts, like the environmental protection advertisement below, appeals to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.
Para 6-7 How do advertisers decide where to advertise? As well as worrying about the _________, advertisers must also consider which _______ are most appropriate for their products. expense/budget media
Para 8-9 :Does advertising work? They believe these adverts will affect the way people think about their driving habits and will subsequently reduce the number of road accidents.
Q:Do you think the message“Buy our shoes and you’ll live an exciting life in the ‘fast lane’.” is true? Give reasons. No, because just wearing a certain brand of shoes won’t make you exciting, popular or have fun—it takes much more effort than that. Further thinking
Q. The advertisement says that when you buy two, they will give you two more at no extra cost. Does this mean the advertiser will lose money on the sale?
No, the advertiser will have worked out a price that will still give him a profit even if he is giving away two bottles free. The advertiser also benefits by selling more bottles than he would have if he hadn’t offered the free bottles.
Conclusion: How effective are ads? 1)When there is a need for the product. 2) If the target audience is exposed to ads constantly.
1. Retell the text according to what we have learned today. 2. Work in a team to design an effective advert slogan. HOMEWORK
Obey your thirst. Things go better with Coca-Cola. Enjoy slogans
Take time to indulge. 尽 情享受吧!
The new digital era 数码新时代