GRANT WRITING TIPS (With specific reference to NSERC Discovery Grants) Project Summary Plain language does not mean dumbed down Place the work in context Why is it important? What are the objectives of the research and what questions will be addressed? What are the specific objectives and a flavour of what will be done How will doing this research move the yard sticks Balance is important: Background vs what will you do This is a very important component of the application. For the skimmers this is what captures their attention.
Project Overview Explain the long term goals and objectives of your research program What are you trying to do and why is it important Place this in the broad context of answering big questions in science* This section is critical? If you do not capture the readers attention you are doomed. * this needs to be specific to the funding agency Is it a project of a program? Progress report Explain what you have done. Detail is important but context is more important Emphasize how you contributed to scientific understanding it is important to demonstrate your technical abilities * *This is important for new applicants: can you do what is proposed
Proposed Research Explain what you will research: Short term objectives Reinforce how the work addresses the big questions Literature review Be specific: you are not writing a review Detail data gaps and research needs Benefits of your model There should be no surprises with what follows Research Aims (NSERC 3-4 max) Be specific: what are you going to do and why How are you going to do it? Do you have the technical expertise: cite past work If you do not have the technical expertise who will help Explain the limitations and alternate approaches Integrate students REINFORCE WHY THE WORK IS IMPORTANT AND WHAT QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED
Summary Why is the work important Place the work in context How is it innovative and will advance the field How to get help Peer review is essential Your work need to be understood by an informed audience that is not necessarily an expert in your specific discipline Glen Van Der Kraak