Rural Health Care Agency Sample Orientation Program
Welcome!! We are really pleased to have you as part of our team! We anticipate that your experience at our agency will be a rewarding milestone in your professional development!
Purpose Of This Presentation Introduce our services Introduce our services Ensure the completion of required paperwork Ensure the completion of required paperwork Provide information about our policy & procedural issues Provide information about our policy & procedural issues Provide information about visiting our community Provide information about visiting our community
About Us We are a multipurpose centre providing: We are a multipurpose centre providing: 12 acute care beds 12 acute care beds 10 aged care beds 10 aged care beds Emergency care services Emergency care services Midwifery services Midwifery services Allied health services – orthotics, physiotherapy, speech therapy Allied health services – orthotics, physiotherapy, speech therapy General Practice General Practice Community Nursing Community Nursing
Our Core Values Respect Respect Caring Caring Commitment Commitment Disease Prevention Disease Prevention Health Promotion Health Promotion High quality health care service High quality health care service
Documentation Must be completed, signed, dated & returned to your clinical supervisor before commencing your clinical experience Must be completed, signed, dated & returned to your clinical supervisor before commencing your clinical experience –Confidentiality Agreement –Learning Contract –Discuss performance feedback forms
Our policies and procedures Our standards manuals are situated in each professional area. Our standards manuals are situated in each professional area. Key points: Key points: –you wear your name badge AT ALL TIMES –You wear appropriate and professional dress –Confidentiality is always maintained –All absences from practice are discussed with your clinical supervisor.
Visiting our agency Meals Meals –Available from our facility at a small charge Parking Parking –Free parking at rear of agency – front reserved for clients and families Respect and courtesy Respect and courtesy –Knock before entering any rooms –Introduce yourself before initiating care or observing procedures Supportive services Supportive services –Pastoral care –Counselling –Community liaison officer
Codes at our agency Code Blue Code Blue –Emergency situation –3 bells and public announcement Code Black Code Black –Assault –Public announcement Code Red Code Red –Fire –Sirens and public announcement Code Green Code Green –Bomb threat –Public announcement
Standard Precautions Barriers Handwashing Handwashing Gloves Gloves Gowns/Aprons Gowns/Aprons Masks Masks Goggles Goggles Sharps containers Sharps containers Ventilation Devices Ventilation Devices
Standard Precautions Con't. Handwashing (Most important prevention) Handwashing (Most important prevention) –Consider waterless when no sinks –before patient care –after removing PPE –between tasks –after patient care completed
Reflection Please take time to reflect on the following issues with your clinical supervisor: Please take time to reflect on the following issues with your clinical supervisor: –Patients rights and responsibilities –Principles of asepsis –Standard precautions –Patient assessment –Professional Code of Conduct –Legal and Ethical Issues –Documentation
Questions We are happy to answer any of your questions or clarify anything you are unsure of … PROVIDED THAT: We are happy to answer any of your questions or clarify anything you are unsure of … PROVIDED THAT: –You have done your best to find out the answer yourself –You ask at an appropriate time –You allow us enough time to find appropriate resources and material to assist you –We are not doing your assessment work for you.
Thank You For choosing to spend some time with us. For choosing to spend some time with us. Please return to us one day! Please return to us one day!