OMG!!! What Next!?!?!
Purpose of this presentation: The purpose of this presentation is to assist the audience with successful planning tips for managing their course work at UHV.
Take it soon ANTH 3311 (Anthropology of Diverse Populations) SPED 3321 (Exceptional Children: An Introduction)
Almost done? Take me CUIN 3324 (Effective Classroom Management and Student assessment for learning) LITY 3320 (Foundations of Literacy Theories and Assessments)
Looks can be deceiving LITY 3320 It is mostly assessment based, there isn't much about theories included. It is a class that is focused on the case study that you will do. ANTH 3311 Anthropology of Diverse Populations: while it is called this you are actually building lesson plans for your ESL learners, to improve their word knowledge. Nothing about populations anywhere. Support your Criminal Justice Majors they had no idea.
Take me back to back MATH 3318 MATH 3320 You wont have to buy a second code if taken within one year. Textbook is optional because you already get it with the code. Easy to recall information and ease of mathematical manipulation.
TIPS from the experts Take classes with friends This will help with all the collaborating in groups that you WILL be doing. Group Work Do your work professors know and grade on participation. Summer Observation Hours Research your classes if the class will require hours avoid it in the summer if possible.
TIPS, TIPS and More TIPS Hording it is OK Keep a notebook of lesson plans, articles, and resources It will come in handy in other classes and in your future classroom. Different places to get books Borrow, beg but don’t steal. Chegg College book renter VC bookstore ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
The Final Word Try not to take an extra class while student teaching. No extra energy for much more than you have to already do.
Secondary… We didn’t forget you Try and take your content first and then your educational class closer to the end. These will be fresher in your mind while student teaching.
Good Luck And have FUN!