Problems and solutions Stuart Matthews Laboratory Manager Department of Medical Microbiology Salisbury District Hospital
Service Requirements: To provide a 24 hour 7 day service To remain within budget To conform to CPA standards To reduce overtime costs To recruit and retain quality staff To maximise the efficient and effective use of staff and resources To increase the quality of life of existing staff
The Problems: Insufficient qualified staff Rising workload Increased overtime costs Recruitment problems Late arrival of specimens Vacancies increase pressure on existing staff Requirement to cover for absences of medical staff Danger of increase in stress related sickness
The Problems: Quality of work going down Internal quality control being performed intermittently Non-essential work not being done Danger of losing CPA accreditation Increased use of locum staff (£42644, ‘03 to date) Only four qualified staff to cover out of hours service Requirement to do overtime every night
Solutions: 1.Increase the staff establishment to cope with the work 2.Move all bacteriological processing to a nearby hospital laboratory 3.Invest in total laboratory automation
Solution 1 ~ Increase establishment Would need to increase our staffing levels by 4.6 wte (2 BMS 1 and 2.6 MLA) just to cope with current workload These figures are based on average staff establishment in European laboratories This assumes we could recruit qualified staff given the national shortage This would greatly increase our budgetary requirements We do not favour this approach
Solution 2 ~ Sub-contract Can another laboratory cope with our workload? Cost of couriers? Requirement for a ‘hot-lab’? Transport delays Delivery of results back to requestors Effects on service delivery Where would the medical staff be based? Loss of staff here and recruitment problems at contracting laboratory
Solution 3: Automation - The Paradigm Shift !!! Senior staff believe this to be the future of bacteriological processing Allows more efficient use of scarce resources (staff) Allows current staff to cope with workload Raises the quality of life of staff Lessens the need to increase establishment Eliminates the requirement for overtime to deal with the current workload
Solution 3: Automation - The Paradigm Shift !!! The Kiestra approach: A truly new approach to bacteriological processing Kiestra works in partnership with the laboratory System being constantly developed System flexible to reflect workload No extra space required
Solution 3: Automation - The Paradigm Shift !!! Will complement other automation such as the blood culture urine analyser Full audit trail to comply with CPA Can be interfaced with our LIMS (Telepath)
What can Kiestra offer us? A way to cope with increased demand during a time of skills and financial shortage A more efficient use of scarce staff resource Selection, labelling and presentation of plates to staff ready for inoculation Selection of plates post incubation for further work or discard Photographic record of each plate presented to the BMS for interpretation or you can work from the plates A full audit trail
So what does it look like? The system is configured to suit the individual requirements of each laboratory Some examples of this are:
General view showing tracking and stackers
Tracking system and workstations
Plate sorters
Bench height can be adjusted to individual needs
Workbench showing display screen
Laboratory view showing work stations
Printing barcodes onto plates
Plates entering the incubator
Plates are moved within the incubator on the tracks
Scanning images of plates
Discard door, track, and discard bin
The plan for the Salisbury laboratory