Matsangoni model health centre
BACKGROUND Matsangoni health centre is located in Bahari division, Kilifi District, Kilifi County Started in 1975 as a community dispensary offering OPD Upgraded to a fully fledged dispensary in 1984 Upgraded to a model health centre in 2010 Catchment population of 16,454, with an estimated 624 pregnant women per year
Mission To provide effective leadership and participate in provision of quality Public Health and Sanitation services that are: equitable, responsive, accessible and accountable to Kenyans
STAFF ESTABLISHMENT 1 clinical officer 5 nurses 1 public health technician 2 community health extension workers 2 volunteers 5 support staff
SERVICES OFFERED General out patient/ Laboratory Comprehensive care / T.B clinic Maternal child health care clinic/F.P V.C.T.
VISION A Model health centre of choice for clients and health professionals DESIRED MEASURABLE RESULT To Increase intermittent presumptive treatment for malaria in pregnancy (IPT2) uptake from 34 to 52 clients per month, by August 2012
OBSTACLES Lack of laboratory services low accessibility to the health facility Inadequate information and knowledge on IPT2 Inadequate involvement of stakeholders Weak community referral system ROOT CAUSES Inadequate leadership and governance skills Inadequate finance and logistical support Inadequate health promotion activities
PRIORITY ACTIONS Operationalize laboratory services Conduct community dialogue meetings Conduct health promotion sessions in the facility Engage mothers in Focused Group Discussions Hold regular stakeholder advocacy meetings Strengthen community referral system by active involvement of C.H.Ws Conduct monthly integrated outreaches
Stakeholders feedback meetings
Community D ialogue and Focused G roup Discussions
IPT 2 UPTAKE 2011 & 2012
Official Launching of Laboratory services 15 th June 2012
Ripple achievements Functional laboratory Increased revenue collection Improved provider satisfaction Sustainability of the project
LESSONS LEARNT Every breakdown opens gates for improvement More stake holder involvement ensures smooth running of a project Involvement of the community contributed to the success of the project Active involvement of clients/community in problem analysis helped us pick the appropriate intervention Team work is the key to success of a project
Progress after the LDP Increased IPT2 uptake Lab services on a upward trend Established stake holders forum Installation of electricity started
Thank you.