The New Deal Roosevelt’s plan to fix the economy 2 parts – 1 st New Deal (first 100 days of FDR’s presidency) – 2 nd New Deal “Brain Trust”= group of educated advisors
Bank Holiday Closed all banks in the country Emergency Banking Relief Act passed Only healthy banks can reopen Write a sentence in your notes about why Roosevelt closed all the banks in the country.
First Fireside Chat- March 12, 1933 We will listen to a recording of FDR’s first “fireside chat” Transcript of the broadcast in packet on page 18 Identify 3 important points that FDR makes. (Who was his audience? What was his topic? Why was this topic important to him? What reforms did he talk about?) *You can write, highlight, or underline the 3 points you identify*
Alphabet Soup Nickname for FDR’s many government programs Program names were acronyms
Alphabet Soup WPA Work Projects Administration Research and the Arts CCC Civilian Conservation Corps Employed young men Built infrastructure FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Secures bank deposits
Labor/Employment Limits number of hours worked per week Bans all child labor Agricultural Adjustment Act – subsidized farmers for reducing crops – provided loans for farmers facing bankruptcy Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) – Gave $3 billion to states for work relief programs
Social Security Act 1935 Relief for the elderly, disabled, children, and unemployed Why did Roosevelt group these Americans together? Write your thought in your notes.
Court Packing Roosevelt proposed adding more Supreme Court Justices (why?) – 6 total Many criticized this- was never passed Supreme Court did not overturn any more programs
Evaluate: Answer these questions on a sheet of paper. Turn them in to the homework tray. How were Hoover and FDR different? Was the New Deal a good plan? Why or why not?