1 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections Top Mass from Cross Sections Solene Chevalier-Thery LPTHE, CEA-IRFU/SPP D0 collaboration Work in collaboration with : - U.Bassler (SPP CEA Saclay) - M.Cacciari (LPTHE Paris) - F.Deliot (SPP CEA Saclay) - U.Heintz (Boston University)
2 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections Why extracting top mass from cross sections ? Direct measurement already exists and is more precise. However : which mass do we really extract from Pythia : LO, NLO, which renormalization scheme…? Alternative : extract mass from NLO+NLL cross section measurement this gives a mass in a well-defined renormalization scheme
3 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections First approach Both experimental and theoretical cross sections depend on top mass : their intersection gives the top mass. Both cross sections have uncertainties : the intersection of the uncertainty bands gives the uncertainty on the top mass. Extracted top mass (D0 note 5459) : Lepton+jet channel Dilepton channel In agreement with the central value from direct measurement : mtop = ± 1.4 GeV. (see U.Heintz talk) Dilepton channel Lepton+jet channel
4 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections Second approach : use of probabilities Theoretical t-tbar cross section depends on : the PDFs the factorization scale μ F, the renormalization scale μ R According to the factorization theorem, the total cross section of t-tbar pair production at the Tevatron is : PDF Partonic cross section The theoretical and experimental cross sections suffer from uncertainties. If you know the shape of these uncertainties, you can combine them according to probability rules to obtain the probability of having a given top mass. Theoretical dependencies Experimental dependencies The experimental cross section is measured as : Evaluated by MC Slight dependance with top mass Experimental t-tbar cross section depends on : systematics statistics
5 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections Combining uncertainties We want to determine the probability density function (p.d.f) for the top mass f(m t ). So we have to know the different p.d.f.s for all the sources of uncertainties : Experimental uncertainty : taken gaussian f exp (σ|m t ) Theoretical uncertainties : PDFs : taken gaussian and calculated from CTEQ or MRST sets f th,PDF (σ|m t ) renormalization and factorization scales f th,μ (σ|m t ) Experimental gaussian : centered on experimental curve cross section p.d.f. cross section Gaussian probability due to the PDFs uncertainty f(m t ) = f exp (σ|m t ) x ( f th,PDF (σ|m t ) f th,μ (σ|m t ) ) σ σ_min σ_max 100% cross section p.d.f. σ σ_min σ_max 90% cross section p.d.f. 10% δσ1δσ1 δσ1δσ1 δσ2δσ2 δσ2δσ2 σ σ_min σ_max 60% cross section p.d.f. 10% δσ1δσ1 δσ1δσ1 δσ2δσ2 δσ2δσ2 30% x Different step function for the probability due to the scale uncertainty 1 2 3
6 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections Results Different choices for theoretical uncertainty have limited impact on mass extraction (+/- 1 GeV for the central value and the error). Uncertainty +/- 7 GeV Uncertainty +/- 10 GeV
7 March 11 th, 2008 S. Chevalier-Thery, Moriond QCD – Top Mass from Cross Sections Conclusions We can extract a value for top quark mass, in good agreement with the direct measurement but with greater uncertainty. The uncertainties could be reduced using : New data sets (more precise) New PDFs sets with smaller uncertainties Better higher order calculation (NNLO?) This extraction depends on the choice for the shape of the p.d.f. due to the scales uncertainties. Work in progress.