©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009) Institute for Criminal Justice Studies Crime Prevention II OPERATION IDENTIFICATION & NATIONAL NIGHT OUT
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to explain why we have operation identification. Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to identify and explain the three stages of Operation ID Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to identify and explain the four component parts/segments of Operation ID. Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to explain purpose of making a list and all aspects of completing and storing a property inventory form. Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to explain photographing of personal property in respect to Operation ID ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to explain and demonstrate where and how to mark personal property. Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to explain history, origin and purpose of National Night Out. Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to identify and explain different events that can be held during National Night Out. Learning Objective:Learning Objective: The student will be able to understand the Power of Networking and benefits to them as Crime Prevention Practitioners through affiliation with the Texas Crime Prevention Association ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Foreword sell what they steal Most burglars sell what they steal, making it hard for police to trace stolen goods. Once items are gone from your apartment, your television looks just like thousands of others. Unless you can prove it is yours, police cannot return it. To help protect your personal property, join the Operation Identification Program.
OPERATION IDENTIFICATION Is a nation-wide program of indelibly marking personal property with a unique identifying number (NOT YOUR SSN#) as a means of discouraging burglary and theft. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
OPERATION IDENTIFICATION positive identification of lost or stolen items Operations ID also permits positive identification of lost or stolen items. Helps victim recover stolen or lost items. Communities where OPID has been implemented show dynamic reductions in burglary and theft. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
3-STAGES of Operation ID 1.Mark (engrave) Property 2.Inventory and Record property 3.Report theft immediately ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
OPERATION IDENTIFICATION OPID REQUIRES FOUR THINGS: 1.Make a list of all valuables be as descriptive as possible and keep list in a safe place. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
OPERATION IDENTIFICATION OPID REQUIRES FOUR THINGS: 2.Engrave d dd drivers license preceded by the prefix – TX on all items that can be reasonably be done. Place engraving where it cannot be removed or altered. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
OPERATION IDENTIFICATION OPID REQUIRES FOUR THINGS OPID REQUIRES FOUR THINGS: - Continued 3.Photograph all valuables, especially if am item is hard to describe or impossible to engrave. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Operation ID Summary Provide an electric engraver from your law enforcement agency. Have citizen’s engrave their driver’s license number and two-letter state abbreviation on all their valuables. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Operation ID Summary Engrave: Televisions Radios Stereos Computers & Printers Golf clubs Bicycles Appliances ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Operation ID Summary Engrave - Continued: Tools I-Pods Cell Phones Any portable items that might be stolen ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
RECOMMENDATIONS Provide citizen with an "Inventory Record" sheet that they can use to list the serial numbers of their property. Remind them to put the inventory list in a safe place. If they are burglarized, the list can help them report the crime to you as law enforcement. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
INVENTORY LIST Make a list of all of valuables. Make several copies and store them in two or more secure locations, such as a fire safe in your home or safe/vault at your local bank and/or at your office. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
INVENTORY LIST Include on their list a full description of the item including: Color Make Model Year of manufacture Other identifiers, including any engraving.
OPERATION IDENTIFICATION INVENTORY FORM DATE ITEMBRANDMODEL #SERIAL # VALUE INVENTORY LIST And Year ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
QUESTIONS Concerning Operation Identification? ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Foreword Since 1981 The National Association of Town Watch (NATW) is a nonprofit, crime prevention organization which works in cooperation with thousands of crime watch groups and law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Since 1981, NATW has been dedicated to the development, growth and maintenance of organized crime and drug prevention programs nationwide. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
ORIGINS & HISTORY America’s Night Out Against Crime National Night Out, ‘ America’s Night Out Against Crime,’ was introduced by the Association in The program was the brainchild of NATW Executive Director Matt A. Peskin. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Is a unique crime/drug prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) scheduled one evening each year. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT
heighten crime and drug prevention awareness generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs strengthen neighborhood spirit and police – community partnerships NATIONAL NIGHT OUT DESIGN & PURPOSE:
Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back! It is very effective and inexpensive too do! NATIONAL NIGHT OUT DESIGN & PURPOSE ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EVENTS WHAT TO DO: Traditional display of outdoor/outside lights. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EVENTS WHAT TO DO: Front porch or front yard vigils. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT WHAT TO DO - Continued: Block parties
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT WHAT TO DO - Continued: Parades ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT WHAT TO DO - Continued: Flashlight walks ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT WHAT TO DO - Continued: Contest and other youth activities. ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
2009 National Nigh Out The 27 th Annual NATIONAL NIGHT OUT will be held Tuesday August 3rd, ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
TEXAS CRIME PREVENTION ASSOCIATION (TCPA) Texas Crime Prevention AssociationTCPAwww.tcpa.org
DEFINE & PROCESS 1.Explain why we have operation identification. 2.Identify and explain the three stages of Operation ID 3.Identify and explain the four component parts/segments of Operation ID. 4.Explain purpose of making a list and all aspects of completing and storing a property inventory form. 5.Explain why a citizen should photograph their personal property in respect to Operation ID ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
DEFINE & PROCESS 6.Explain and demonstrate where and how to mark personal property. 7.Explain history, origin and purpose of National Night Out. 8.Identify and explain different events that can be held during National Night Out. 9.Explain the Power of Networking and benefits to them as Crime Prevention Practitioners through affiliation with the Texas Crime Prevention Association ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT National Association of Town Watch 1 Wynnewood Road, Suite 102 PO Box 303 Wynnewood, PA Phone: 800-NITE-OUT / Fax: ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Curriculum Part II is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
Contact Information INSTITUTE for CRIMINAL JUSTICE STUDIES 350 N. Guadalupe, Suite 140, PMB 164 San Marcos, Texas ©TCLEOSE Course #2102 Crime Prevention Part II Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS (2009)
TAKE A 15-MINUTE BREAK Permission to use photo obtained by ICJS January 2009