Launch in orbit of the space experiment PAMELA and ground data results Roberta Sparvoli on behalf of the PAMELA Collaboration
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Outline of the talk Scientific goals Scientific goals Apparatus overview & satellite Apparatus overview & satellite Ground data Ground data Status of the mission Status of the mission Conclusions Conclusions
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Bari Florence Frascati Italy: Trieste Naples Rome CNR, Florence Moscow St. Petersburg NMSU GSFC USA: Russia: India: Mumbai Germany: Siegen Sweden: KTH, Stockholm PAMELA Collaboration
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA will: Search for antimatter Search for dark matter Study cosmic-ray propagation Study solar physics and solar modulation Study the electron spectrum (local sources?) PAMELA Science
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October Long-term monitoring of the solar modulation of cosmic rays Energetic particles from the Sun (e + ) High-energy particles in the Earth magnetosphere PAMELA Capabilities PAMELA will explore: Antiproton flux 80 MeV GeV Positron flux50 MeV – 270 GeV Electron flux up to 400 GeV Proton flux up to 700 GeV Electron/positron fluxup to 2 TeV Light nuclei (up to Z=6) up to 200 GeV/n Light isotopes (D, 3 He) up to 1 GeV/n Antinuclei search (sensitivity better than in He/He)
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Cosmic-ray antiparticle measurements: antiprotons Secondary production (upper and lower limits) Simon et al. Primary production from annihilation (m( ) = 964 GeV) Secondary production (CAPRICE94-based) Bergström et al. Unexplored Region Black Holes Dark matter Extragalactic Primordial p Dark matter Propagation PAMELA energy range Charge dependent modulation effects
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Cosmic-ray antiparticle measurements: positrons Unexplored Region Secondary production ‘Leaky box model’ (Protheroe 1982) Primary production from annihilation (m( ) = 336 GeV) Secondary production ‘Moskalenko + Strong model’ (1998) without reacceleration Charge dependent modulation effects Propagation Dark matter PAMELA energy range
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Cosmic-ray Antimatter Search
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 The Satellite Resurs-DK1 Built by the space factory TsSKB in Samara (Russia) Built by the space factory TsSKB in Samara (Russia) Soyuz-TM launcher from Bajkonur (also from TsSKB) Soyuz-TM launcher from Bajkonur (also from TsSKB) PAMELA mounted inside a Pressurized Container, attached to the satellite PAMELA mounted inside a Pressurized Container, attached to the satellite Lifetime >3 years Lifetime >3 years
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Orbit characteristics quasi-polar (70.4°) elliptical (300÷600 km) SAA
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Ground station(s) Main Station: Research Centre for Earth operative monitoring “NtsOMZ” (Moscow, Russia); Main Station: Research Centre for Earth operative monitoring “NtsOMZ” (Moscow, Russia); Main antenna in NTsOMZ Additional Station: Khanty-Mansiisk (Siberia, Russia). Not yet officially established. Additional Station: Khanty-Mansiisk (Siberia, Russia). Not yet officially established. Scheme of PAMELA control room in NTsOMZ
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA prior delivery to Russia (March 2005) The PAMELA apparatus Anticoincidence Shield Shower Tail Catcher Scintillator (see next talk V. Malvezzi) TOF (see next talk S. Russo) Magnetic Spectrometer Calorimeter Neutron Detector (see next talk V. Malvezzi) PAMELA CPU (see next talk A. Basili)
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 The PAMELA apparatus GF ~20.5 cm 2 sr Mass: 470 kg Size: 120x40x45 cm 3 Power Budget: 360 W Calorimeter Performances: p/e + selection eff. 90% p rejection factor 10 5 e - rejection factor 10 4 Spatial Resolution 2.8 μm bending view 13.1 μm non-bending view MDR from test beam data 1 TV ND p/e separation capabilities >10 above 10 GeV/c, increasing with energy
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Ground data sessions Number of files downlinked in Rome: Number of files downlinked in Rome: 311 in about 480 hours of data taking Number of files downlinked in Samara: Number of files downlinked in Samara: 113 in about 140 hours of data taking We had so far two main sessions of cosmic ray acquisitions on ground: Rome – Tor Vergata University clean room: February/March 2005 Samara – Progress clean area: May 2005
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Ground data performance analysis The main task of the ground data acquisition is the analysis of the detector performance. The statistics collected allowed to make an accurate analysis of the performance of the single PAMELA subdetectors, determining in some cases sub-system resolutions and efficiencies. The comparison between Rome, Samara and previous beam-test data allowed to study PAMELA behavior with time, so to detect possible failures due to ageing of some structures.
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Event Ground Muon: 2.8 GV
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Event Ground Hadron: 6.6 GV
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Event GF: 400 cm 2 sr Calorimeter Self Trigger
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Ground muon results Preliminary Preliminary!Preliminary! Final data ready by the end of 2005 !
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration SPS, July 2000 FM SPS, September 2003 Magnet/Tracker, Calorimeter SPS, July 2002 PAMELA Status
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model inside Pamela Pressurized Container at TsSKB Samara/Russia PAMELA Status
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Termal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Thermal Model passed thermal tests at TsSKB Thermal/Vacuum Chamber PAMELA Status
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Status PAMELA Technological Model inside the Transport Container before delivery to Samara
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room, Assembling phases of PAMELA in Roma Tor Vergata clean room
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status PAMELA Flight Model on the shaker in IABG Full cycle of vibration/shock of the Flight Model passed at IABG/Munich, January 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room,
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status PAMELA Flight Model delivered to Russia, April 2005 Full cycle of vibration/shock of the Flight Model passed at IABG/Munich, January 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room, Antonov 72 in Genoa airport PAMELA onboard during flight
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status PAMELA Flight Model delivered to Russia, April 2005 Full cycle of vibration/shock of the Flight Model passed at IABG/Munich, January 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room, Reopening of PAMELA Flight Model in TsSKB
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status PAMELA Pressurized container tested with Resurs-DK1 Satellite, June 2005 PAMELA Flight Model delivered to Russia, April 2005 Full cycle of vibration/shock of the Flight Model passed at IABG/Munich, January 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room, Tests of PAMELA Pressurized Container tilting mechanism
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status Ongoing tests on Resurs-DK1 Satellite PAMELA Flight Model delivered to Russia, April 2005 Full cycle of vibration/shock of the Flight Model passed at IABG/Munich, January 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room, PAMELA Pressurized container tested with Resurs-DK1 Satellite, June 2005 Antennas of Resurs_DK1
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 PAMELA Status Ongoing tests on Resurs-DK1 Satellite PAMELA Flight Model delivered to Russia, April 2005 Full cycle of vibration/shock of the Flight Model passed at IABG/Munich, January 2005 Detectors tested at PS/SPS test facilities as prototypes and in FM configuration PAMELA Mass&Thermal Model qualified, March-May 2003 PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivered to Russia,December 2003 PAMELA Flight Model assembled in Rome TV clean room, PAMELA Pressurized container tested with Resurs-DK1 Satellite, June 2005 Resurs_DK1 on the shaker
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Integration in Bajkonur cosmodrome, December 2005
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Conclusions I PAMELA is the first space experiment which will measure Antiprotons and Positrons to high energies (≥ 200GeV) with an unprecedented statistical precision; PAMELA will set a new lower limit for finding Antihelium; PAMELA will look for Dark Matter candidates; PAMELA will provide measurements on elemental spectra and low mass isotopes with an unprecedented statistical precision and will help to improve the understanding of particle propagation in the interstellar medium; PAMELA will be able to measure the high energy tail of solar spectra and for the first time solar positrons.
R. Sparvoli - 9th ICATPP Conference - Villa Olmo - October 2005 Conclusions II Pamela has been delivered to Russia at the end of March 2005; PAMELA has collected ground cosmic-rays for various months at the laboratories of Rome Tor Vergata and at the Samara TsSKB-Progress factory; All detectors are performing as designed and PAMELA seems able to achieve its scientific goals; Right now PAMELA is undergoing the integrations tests with the Resurs-DK1 satellite in Samara; By mid November 2005 PAMELA will be delivered to Bajkonur for the launch into orbit foreseen for beginning 2006 !