As The Scale Tips: Environment and Reproductive Health Sandra M. Latourelle Lecturer Department of Biological Sciences Plattsburgh State University
Using the 7 E Model To Introduce Environmental Science RisksBenefits
Eliciting Prior Knowledge Administer Pre-test Save for future use (Grant) Multiple Choice Questions
Eliciting Do Product Array walk-about ~ 2-3 minutes Choose a selection of items found on the table on the next slide
Make The Selection Choose at least six items… perfumenail polishwallpaperwood finish lubricantsinsecticidessoapmoisturizers vinyl mini- blinds detergentsmedical tubing vinyl flooring hairsprayplastic, vinyl toys plastic wrapadhesives medical fluid bags teething rings shampooshower curtains food packaging PVC pipesolventspacifiers
Hypothesis Generation What is the commonality shared by the products? – Write on card
and/or Elicit With Word Splash Provide each participant with Word Splash words and lined paper Allow ~5 minutes for generating a paragraph containing the words Collect paragraphs and save for a re-do at the end of the Learning Experience (LE) –Participants will receive a ‘typical’ paragraph during the Evaluation period
Engagement Occurs when students participate in a problem based learning (PBL) experience using Phthalates - Balancing Risks and Benefits PBL scenario Individual and Team Record-Keeping Brainstorming Strategy Filling Out Records of Individual/Team Work - Facts and Questions Poster Paper Teacher Chosen Readings (Homework)
Phthalates PBL Scenario: Balancing Risks and Benefits
Read PBL Script: ~ 5-7 minutes Provide each participant with the PBL script Assign roles (Narrator-Matt, Shanna Swan, Curwood) Read script aloud as other participants follow along
Think-Share Individual and Team Record-Keeping
Think-Share Brainstorming Strategy
Think-Share Filling Out Records of Individual/Team Work Facts and Questions
Day 1 Culminates Teacher Chosen Readings (Homework)
Exploring Prepares students via: –A teacher intervention Using Risks Assessment Power Point –A Media Blitz assignment Phthalates Ban, Yes or No?
Explaining Begins with: Articles Chosen For Research Risks and Benefits Chart
Explaining Continues As students: Research instructor-chosen Phthalate information from annotated bibliography Prepare a Media Blitz Product Complete group evaluations Complete progress reports
Elaborating Is accomplished when: Students present Their Media Blitz products
Evaluating Occurs when: Audiences provide authentic assessment - Using student-generated evaluation tool Post-tests are administered
Extensions Are at the discretion of individual teachers