Monthly Management Report March By Facility management Team National nanofabrication centre Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Facility Management NNFC EXECUTIVE - SUMMARY This report is a review on our performance during the last Month and is an attempt to analyses and evaluate our service delivery and make a progressive step forward with improvement plan. The following points are put forward for review 1.Scope and nature of services 2.Proposed manpower distribution. 3.Availability of manpower. 4.Low lights. 5.Highlights. 6.Initiatives planned for next month. 7.Power failure analysis 8.Monthly HSD consumption. 9.DG- Generated power KWH. 10.EB power consumption. 11.Average power consumption EB+DG. 12.Liquid nitrogen consumption. 13.Suggestions and requirements. 14.Help desk, Complaint register
1.Scope & Nature of Services Facility Management NNFC CeNSE-Facility Management Electrical HVAC Plumbing Help desk ETPBMS RO Plant Ultra pure water system
3.Availability of Manpower Facility Management NNFC DESIG NATI ON Pla ne d Aug -11 Sep -11 Oc t- 11 No v- 11 De c- 11 Jan -12 Fe b- 12 Ma r- 12 Ap r- 12 Ma y- 12 Jun -12 Jul- 12 Au g- 12 Se p- 12 Oc t- 12 No v- 12 De c- 12 Jan -13 Fe b- 13 Ma r- 13 Facilit y Mana ger Techn ologis t Electri cian Chiller opera tors BMS opera tor Plumb ers Asst.T echnic ian Total
4.Lowlights. Facility Management NNFC DateLocationFailure detailsAction taken & Status LT Panel roomPower fluctuation between 6:30 Hrs to 9:00 Hrs Incoming power problem, solved by CCMD BMSMCB tripped, total BMS tripped.User tried to fix external equipment with out FM team knowledge. Due to improper connection its tripped CCTV system, BMS Due Spy guard problem 14 cameras were not functioning. Repair the spy guard and solved the issue by FM team LT panel roomLow incoming voltage.Due to EB incoming problem, solved by CCMD.
5.Highlights. Facility Management NNFC CDA PPM done. AHU -1&2 pre & Hepa filter changed. DG PPM done. CHR-3 condenser cleaned. Utility LT panel cleaned. Wet scrubber blower repairing works done. Characterization PAC unit PPM done. Utility AHU PPM done. Litho, Thin films Tools PCW water filter changed. Cense CCTV camera problem rectified by FM team. (14 cameras was not functioning due to power issue) CeNSE 250 KVA UPS AMC done ( ) Utility drain line connection done. Equipment development room PCW connection done. SF-33 3Phase UPS connection done. DI plant drainage done. LED tv CeNSE by FM team.
6.Initiatives Planned for next month Facility Management NNFC Liquid nitrogen pipe line connection for defrosting. Fire pump pressure switch connections. RO plant reject water & Di RO reject joint connection. CCTV upgrade. DG area street lights. STP connection to RO tank.
7.POWER FAILURE ANALYSIS Facility Management NNFC SLDateFromToTotal :30,12:259:45,12:35 25 Mins :309:30 3:00 Hrs :30,11:1510:15,12:30 2:00 Hrs :40,15:00,15 :20,18:50 14:50,15:15,15:30,18:55 40 Mins :2510:50 1:25 Hrs :307:40 10 Mins :45,17:1013:50,17:25 20 Mins :50,18:308:55,18:35 10 Mins :3015:40 1:10 Hrs :10,19:3013:15,19:35 10 Mins :008:10 10 Mins :007:30 30 Mins :15,16:2016:10,16:30 3:05 Hrs :3510:00 25 Mins :15,20:5010:45,21:00 40 Mins TOTAL HRS 14:20 Hrs
9.DG Generated Power KWH Facility Management NNFC
10. EB Power Consumption Facility Management NNFC
13.Suggestions and Requirements Facility Management NNFC Shelters to be provided for DGs, Gas cylinders & Fire pump house to avoid rain water and leaves come inside the DG cabin, utility building & Raw water tank in side. Shelter with closed fencing can make on the Fire tank & this area use as storage place. Uniform & Safety shoes to be provided for all maintenance staffs. Chemical & Gas cabinet exhaust to be provided.
14.Help desk, Complaints register Facility Management NNFC