Introduction to Quantum Computing
Quantum Thinking StateThinking (Gardner’s Intelligences) Linguistic. You like writing texts and/or you like speaking to convey information Logical-Maths. You like reasoning with maths or you like using logic in your thinking or chat Visual-Spatial. You can mentally visualise objects and their relative locations in space Body-Kinesthetic. Handling objects skilfully, having a sense of timing in action Musical Interpersonal Understanding others Intrapersonal Understanding yourself. Self-reflexion Naturalistic Working with plants and animals. Enjoying nature Existential Thinking about things beyond what you can see. Abstract ideas. Big Bang. The gods
Single qubit gates. The X-Gate
Single qubit gates. The H-Gate
Quantum Circuit: H followed by X
2-qubit gates. The CNOT-Gate
3-qubit gates. The CCNOT-Gate
The Half-Adder Quantum Circuit
The Measurement Gate
Grover’s Algorithm
Under the Hood. The H-Gate
Quantum Teleportation