St Johns Church of England Behaviour Workshop 29 September 2015
At St John’s School it is our aim: To provide a positive, clear and consistent approach to behaviour management. To foster a positive ethos within the school to ensure that everyone feels valued, respected and safe.
In order to ensure that St John’s School is a safe place to learn, work and play, everyone has a part to play To be safe To have a fresh start To be heard To be treated with respect To learn and teach
The Code of Conduct is :- Be kind Be gentle Work hard Be thoughtful Be honest Listen to others
1-2-3 Magic A whole school approach to behaviour management. A behaviour strategy introduced by Thomas Phelan.
Children are not mini adults! They are not born reasonable and unselfish; They are smaller; They are not as intelligent as adults; They have less skills; They are less responsible. They need to be taught how to behave.
Two big mistakes Emotion Too much talking Positive feelings should be shared with the child; Negative feelings should not be shared with the child. Words often make no impact at all; Persuasion doesn’t work; Shouting doesn’t work.
Scenario 1 Can I get a drink? Not right now. Why not? Because we are going to finish in 5 minutes and then you will be able to have one. But I want a drink now! I just told you to wait 5 minutes You never let me do anything! Of course I do, you were line monitor last week. But you let Ben have a drink. Do you have to do everything he does, besides he completed his work. I promise I will do my work. I have heard that before – look at you folder it is full of unfinished work. I am going to tell mu mum Fine be my guest.
Parents Grandparents Care workers Teachers
1-2-3 Magic There are 2 types of Behaviour : STOP BEHAVIOUR START BEHAVIOUR
1-2-3 Magic
1-2-3 Magic Kick Off Conference – A Reminder What your Pupils need to know in order for the program to be effective and to work for YOU !!!!
A Counting Strategy
1-2-3 Magic Counting Strategy For Level 1,2,3 behaviour - State : “That’s 1.” Wait 5 seconds. State “ That’s 2.” Wait 5 seconds State “ That’s 3” Take 5 to 10 minutes on the ‘time out chair’ (depending on age of child)
1-2-3 Magic Consequences or Time Out Time out does not start until child is calm!!!
1-2-3 DoDo not Count; Wait between counts; Follow through every time; Keep counts over a set time period; Wipe the slate clean. Talk ; Allow emotion to show in your voice; Lecture after the time out is served.
1-2-3Magic Once you start using Magic, your pupils will fall into 2 categories : 1. Immediate co operators (the majority) 2. Immediate testers (a few)
Our Behaviour Policy
1-2-3 Magic For significant behaviour (ie Level 4 behaviour) go straight to “That’s 3 – it is SERIOUS!!! Child is sent to Phase Leader. Child must be accompanied by another adult. Parents must be informed that day and a letter sent home by Phase Leader. This letter will be kept in the class Behaviour Log. The Behaviour Log is sent to Assistant Head every Friday afternoon for behaviour to be captured.
1-2-3 Magic Level 5 Behaviour See Behaviour Policy for level 5 behaviour. Child is given a lunch time detention led by SMT – Please inform SMT on duty. Child is given a Level 5 letter signed by SMT member on duty. Letter to be taken home, signed by parent and returned to school. It is filed by SMT. 3 Level 5 letters – child is then seen by Headteacher. If 3 Level 5 letters given in 1 half term may result in a One Day Fixed Exclusion.
Your Reward Card
Award Cards How can you get stickers for your award card by upholding our Christian Values or by following the school code? Good manners Working hard in class Excellent behaviour around school Showing respect Following The School Code Good behaviour at lunchtimes Excellent work
How can you earn a Reward Sticker? Our Christian Values. Our School Code.
Our Tree…
Where should you be? Autumn Term- aim for your Bronze leaf Spring Term- aim for your Silver leaf Summer Term- aim for your Gold leaf
Where will you finish? Display outside hall Be Kind Be Gentle Work Hard Listen to Others
A Special treat…