A Methodology for Creating Fast Wait-Free Data Structures Alex Koganand Erez Petrank Computer Science Technion, Israel
Concurrency & (Non-blocking) synchronization Concurrent data-structures require (fast and scalable) synchronization Non-blocking synchronization: No thread is blocked in waiting for another thread to complete no locks / critical sections 2
Lock-free (LF) algorithms Among all threads trying to apply operations on the data structure, one will succeed Opportunistic approach read some part of the data structure make an attempt to apply an operation when failed, retry Many scalable and efficient algorithms Global progress All but one threads may starve 3
Wait-free (WF) algorithms 4 A thread completes its operation a bounded #steps regardless of what other threads are doing Particularly important property in several domains e.g., real-time systems and operating systems Commonly regarded as too inefficient and complicated to design
The overhead of wait-freedom Much of the overhead is because of helping key mechanism employed by most WF algorithms controls the way threads help each other with their operations Can we eliminate the overhead? The goal: average-case efficiency of lock-freedom and worst-case bound of wait-freedom 5
Why is helping slow? 6 A thread helps others immediately when it starts its operation All threads help others in exactly the same order contention redundant work Each operation has to be applied exactly once usually results in a higher # expensive atomic operations Lock-free MS-queue (PODC, 1996) Wait-free KP-queue (PPOPP, 2011) # CASs in enqueue 23 # CASs in dequeue 14
Reducing the overhead of helping Main observation: “Bad” cases happen, but are very rare Typically a thread can complete without any help if only it had a chance to do that … Main ideas: Ask for help only when you really need it i.e., after trying several times to apply the operation Help others only after giving them a chance to proceed on their own delayed helping 7
Fast-path-slow-path methodology Start operation by running its (customized) lock-free implementation Upon several failures, switch into a (customized) wait- free implementation notify others that you need help keep trying Once in a while, threads on the fast path check if their help is needed and provide help Fast path Slow path Delayed helping 8
Do I need to help ? Start yes Help Someone no Apply my op using fast path (at most N times) Success? no Apply my op using slow path (until success) Apply my op using slow path (until success) Return yes Fast-path-slow-path generic scheme 9 Different threads may run on two paths concurrently !
Fast-path-slow-path: queue example 10 Fast path (MS-queue) Slow path (KP-queue)
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures state 9 true false null 4 true null 9 false null phase pending enqueue node
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures state 9 true false null 4 true null 9 false null phase pending enqueue node Counts # ops on the slow path
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures state 9 true false null 4 true null 9 false null phase pending enqueue node Is there a pending operation on the slow path?
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures state 9 true false null 4 true null 9 false null phase pending enqueue node What is the pending operation?
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures curTid lastPhase nextCheck helpRecords
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures curTid lastPhase nextCheck helpRecords ID of the next thread that I will try to help
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures curTid lastPhase nextCheck helpRecords Phase # of that thread at the time the record was created
Thread ID Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Internal structures curTid lastPhase nextCheck helpRecords Decrements with every my operation. Check if my help is needed when this counter reaches 0 HELPING_DELAY controls the frequency of helping checks
Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Fast path 1. help_if_needed() 2. int trials = 0 while (trials++ < MAX_FAILURES) { apply_op_with_customized_LF_alg (finish if succeeded) } 3. switch to slow path LF algorithm customization is required to synchronize operations run on two paths MAX_FAILURES controls the number of trials on the fast path 19
Fast-path-slow-path: queue example Slow path 1. my phase announce my operation (in state) 3. apply_op_with_customized_WF_alg (until finished) WF algorithm customization is required to synchronize operations run on two paths 20
Performance evaluation 32-core Ubuntu server with OpenJDK 1.6 GHz quadcore AMD 8356 processors The queue is initially empty Each thread iteratively performs (100k times): Enqueue-Dequeue benchmark: enqueue and then dequeue Measure completion time as a function of # threads
Performance evaluation 22
Performance evaluation 23 MAX_FAILURES HELPING_DELAY
Performance evaluation 24
The impact of configuration parameters 25 MAX_FAILURES HELPING_DELAY
The use of the slow path 26 MAX_FAILURES HELPING_DELAY
Tuning performance parameters Why not just always use large values for both parameters (MAX_FAILURES, HELPING_DELAY)? (almost) always eliminate slow path Lemma: The number of steps required for a thread to complete an operation on the queue in the worst- case is O(MAX_FAILURES + HELPING_DELAY * n 2 ) → Tradeoff between average-case performance and worst-case completion time bound 27
Summary 28 A novel methodology for creating fast wait-free data structures key ideas: two execution paths + delayed helping good performance when the fast path is extensively utilized concurrent operations can proceed on both paths in parallel Can be used in other scenarios e.g., running real-time and non-real-time threads side-by-side
Thank you! Questions? 29