ancient Greece presentation by Jacob SOTELO
Art and Ancient Greece This Sculpture is the most important surviving form of Ancient Greek arts, but only a small fragment of Greek sculptural output has survived. these Greek’s sculptures are always in the form of Roman copies. It was immensely influential during the Italian Renaissance. And remained the "classic" model for the European sculpture. It was the advent of modernism in the late 19th century.
literature The Ancient Greeks used drama as a way of investigating the world they lived in, and want to know what human meant. There are three genres of drama there were comedy, satyr plays, and the most important is tragedy.
architecture - most ornate of the classic orders of architecture. It is the latest, but not arriving at full development until the the 4th cent. B.C. it’s the oldest known. It was found in the temple of apollo at (c.420 b.c.)
philosophy This philosophy was rooted in the mathematics, mathematics mean geometry to the ancient Greeks. He was the first person to know that the moon, planets, and the earth are all spheres.
inventions these Hoops were used in Egypt at 1000 B.C. its was from the grape, leaves, and were propelled around the ground with some sticks.
History of ancient Greek There were only a little bit of historians during the time of Ancient Greece. Only three major ancient historians, could record their time of Ancient Greek history. Herodotus was known as the father of history. '
War of ancient greek This was called the Ionian revolt. But this lonian was defeated in the Battle of Lade in 494 BC. This Ionian revolt had lasted for about half a decade.
History of troy Ilus,is the son of Tros founded Troy in the 3000 BC, and the name troy was derived from him. Troy was known as Ilios or Ilion, this name can be found in the Iliad.
mythology Zeus - Hera is the god of the sky and he is the ruler of the gods of Mount Olympus. And Hera is his sister.
Ancient greeks daily life the daily life in Sparta is really different from the other city-states. At the sparta the women had teached more active in lives, as this would improve their physical strength and their ability in order to have healthy babies.