Matthew Eberwein
11 th to 15 th Century Group of Germanic merchants seeking easier and cheaper trade Obtained expensive goods from Russia and North Baltic Became a powerful force with a navy Demise came with European colonization of the world
Catholic Church famous for monasteries which doubled as credit loaners. Feudalism- a system that came with all lords. swearing loyalty to king. Knights that were loyal to lords and serfs who worked the land. Feudalism was effective in England, Aragon, and France but was ineffective in Germany.
Banking- was the beginning of big business and led to many startup companies Mercantilism- the State taking wealth from colonies at the colonies expense. Dutch East India Company- a charted company that acquired luxury goods and Asia and sold them back to Europe.
Agricultural revolution- brought in increase in food production, population, and urbanization Industrialization- Created more effective living standard for all people. More money in the hands of the commoners.
Levied Taxes, took resources from colonies Allies borrowed huge loans from America Victory bonds Quotas Huge inflation rates Led to freeing of colonies
Came together after 1993 Share trade networks, energy, food, and research. Led to the advent of the Euro Improved relations and economic stability in Europe