An Integrated Intensity Frontier Strategy Steve Holmes & Bob Tschirhart LBNE Reconfiguration Workshop April 25, 2012
LNBE Reconfiguration Workshop - April 2012Page 2
Staging Options Accelerator Configuration Stage 1 –1 GeV × 1 mA CW linac injecting into existing Booster –Power to LBNE × 1.5; to Mu2e × 10; World-leading kaon experiment, 900 kW for edm and ultra-cold neutron research. Stage 2 –Add 1-3 GeV × 1 mA CW linac –300 kW for rare kaon program; 300 kW to 2 nd generation Mu2e –Minimal competition to LBNE for MI beam Stage 3 (Reference Design: Project X docdb #658 ) Project X docdb #658 –Add 3-8 GeV × 1 duty factor pulsed linac injecting into (upgraded) Recycler/MI –2 + MW to LBNE Stage 4 (Beyond the Reference Design) –Upgrade power to 4 MW at 8 GeV: New low-energy neutrino source. –Neutrinos: 4 MW for short baseline + long baseline/ –Muon Collider & Neutrino factory platform PX Collaboration Meeting, April S. HolmesPage 3
M.B, S.Z.; Physics working group April 16 th minutes.
M.B, S.Z; Physics working group April 16 th minutes.
M. B., S.Z.; Physics working group April 16 th minutes.
M. Bishai, 2011 Project X studies, presented at Intensity Frontier Workshop
A Roadmap for a World Leading Intensity Frontier Program * Operating point in range depends on MI energy for neutrinos. ** Operating point in range is depends on MI injector slow-spill duty factor (df) for kaon program. LNBE Reconfiguration Workshop - April 2012Page 8 Program: Stage-0: Proton Improvement Plan Stage-1: 1 GeV CW Linac driving Booster & Muon, EDM programs (MI>80 GeV) Stage-2: Upgrade to 3 GeV CW Linac (MI>80 GeV) Stage-3: Project X RDR (MI>60GeV) Stage-4: Beyond RDR: 8 GeV power upgrade to 4MW MI neutrinos kW** kW** 1200 kW2300 kW kW 8 GeV Neutrinos 15 kW kW**0-40 kW* kW**0-40 kW*85 kW3000 kW 8 GeV Muon program e.g, (g-2), Mu2e-1 20 kW0-20 kW* 85 kW 1000 kW 1-3 GeV Muon program kW1000 kW Kaon Program 0-30 kW** (<30% df from MI) 0-75 kW** (<45% df from MI) 1100 kW Nuclear edm ISOL program none0-900 kW Ultra-cold neutron program none kW Nuclear technology applications none0-900 kW # Programs: Total* power: kW kW 4230 kW 5490 kW 11300kW
Summary Considerations of LBNE staging must be integrated within a larger strategy for providing world leadership on the Intensity Frontier for decades. The physics reach of LBNE and the capabilities of the accelerator complex are inextricably linked since the potential of long-baseline neutrino experiments is ultimately limited by beam power. Hence consideration of LBNE in the context of a campaign must incorporate consideration of the Project X campaign which can quantitatively and qualitatively broaden the physics reach of LBNE. LNBE Reconfiguration Workshop - April 2012Page 9
FAQs Are you proposing that LBNE be deferred until after Stage 1 of Project X is realized? No, we are proposing that the two initiatives evolve together, since their final goals are co-dependent on each other. And yes, this would mean that Stage 1 of LBNE would evolve more slowly. If you don't build LBNE as fast as possible, then neutrino physicists will abandon us for the competition. The most effectuve way to keep the research community engaged is to commit to a long term program that will provide continually improving accelerator and detector performance. Physics reach is the product of detector-mass × beam-power, and doubling the detector mass is cheaper than doubling the beam power. So why should we invest in beam power? Beam power is a facility cost, detector mass is costed to a particular experiment. The broader a program the facility serves the more insulated a particular experiment becomes from facility costs LNBE Reconfiguration Workshop - April 2012Page 10