A UTHOR & REASONS FOR THE SITE The site is created by the Australian Trade Commission a government body also known as Austrade. The reason for the site is to promote Austrade and to advise everyone of the role of Austrade and the services it provides. Austrade aims to help businesses trade internationally and to promote Australia as a destination for foreign investment. The site sets out to ensure all information around its functions and its services are made clear.
M AIN CONTENT AREAS The main content of this site are split into three headings these are as follows: Buy from Australia –provides information on how Austrade can help businesses to find an Australian supplier. Export from Australia - assists in helping businesses understand how to and where to export product or services overseas and how to get export grants. Invest in Australia – provides further links to an investment specialist, supplies fact sheets on doing business in Australia and provide opportunities by sector.
T YPES OF SUPPORT OFFERED Austrade offers support by: Advice – By supplying various factsheets, successful stories of website users and information on how they can help. Provide links to find Australian suppliers. Offer professional advice on Investing in Australia and what options you can invest in. Provide basic step by step instructions on how and where to export products in Australia. Provides answers frequently asked by the public.
F URTHER HELPFUL LINKS & M Y OPINION OF A USTRADE These links are helpful in finding the information you need; in a basic step by step format on how to buy and export in Australia. And supplies fact sheets about investing in Australia My opinion on the site: I believe this site is successful and useful in learning more about exporting, investing and buying from and in Australia. The clever hyperlinked sections to each topic is clear and in a useful format. Providing you with all the information you need for each subject. If not it then provides further links to help. Austrade is constantly updated, and an easy to read site for anyone interested in exporting, investing and buying.