Www.jrc.ec.europa.eu Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Meeting on OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) for INSPIRE Rafał Wartanowicz.


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Presentation transcript:

Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Meeting on OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) for INSPIRE Rafał Wartanowicz Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB)

Previous SOS experiences Scope: Self study on possibilities to implement SOS Delivered content: potential content for SOS includes meteorological measurements which are collected as time series at measurement stations located in Poland

Previous SOS experiences Delivered content: infrastructure for content is based on project C2.6 which does not contain GIS software but contains sources of measurement data and ISOK project which is based on ESRI GIS infrastructure.

Previous SOS experiences C2.6 infrastructure.(CBDO, CBDH)

Previous SOS experiences C2.6 infrastructure.(place for SOS ?) SOS ?

Previous SOS experiences Technologies / software used: Project C2.6 protocols:  FTP  SFTP   FAX  HTTP  HTTPS  SCP  SMS  WEBSERVICE (dedicated for C2.6 project)  SOS (We are at the stage of recognizing of possibilities)

Existing connections to INSPIRE Project ISOK C2.6 System ISOK - C2.6 Integration Layer ISOK - INSPIRE Service Layer

Existing connections to INSPIRE Project ISOK services

Discussion: Why an INSPIRE/SOS? In my opinion: SOS services are very good as additional option for delivery of small amount of up-to-date measurement data in form of time series from monitoring stations, this protocol solves also problem of delivery of metadata of the nodes of measurement network WFS (pre-defined data sets) very good for delivery of moderate amount data from discrete geospatial features ATOM (pre-defined data sets) very good and practical for delivery of URLs to large amount of data from discrete geospatial features

Discussion: Wish list Which features would you like to see in an INSPIRE download service for observation data? SOS would be good additional option in INSPIRE download service.

Additional information Maybe some ideas like: option for JSON RestFul approach Compression Packaging (good for caching algorithms) would also useful as a part of SOS standard implementation