William the Conqueror Became King after winning Battle of Hastings-1066 Consolidated his power & position-How? –Created Doomsday Book –Survey of wealth in Eng. Why is this important? Tool for levying taxes Distributing land Determining # of knights required by each vassal *Created a single national unity.
Creating “England” What do I mean by the title? William’s son-Henry I –Strengthened royal power –Created a central treasury –Est. uniform judicial system Used traveling judges –Enforced KING’S Law –Became common law Why is this important for building a royal govt.? People identified with King’s law-not feudal lord’s Sense of national unity
Controlling the Church In England Church still outside of King’s authority Henry II - clergy must be tried by his court What do you think is the Church’s position on this? Archbishop Becket-refused to submit to King –Henry-had him assassinated –Becket proclaimed a saint How does this portray Henry II? –Had to publicly confess his faith –Gave up efforts to control clergy
Noble Struggle Nobility rebelled-cause was high taxes for Crusades Forced King John to sign the Magna Carta –Nobility right to representation before taxation –King left in power What kind of govt. does this create? By 1200’s nobles began to advise King –Expanded to include some townspeople –Created the Parliament –House of Lords and Commons
The French After Carolingians-strongest feudal lords took over largest estate’s Elected Hugh Capet as King- Why need a King? New dynasty: Capetians –No real power at first- depended upon lords –1st objective-control their lands Ile de France-Paris-make it the center of French politics –King Philip the Fair-Increase power of central government- use the courts –Where did he get his idea?
Undermining the Church Philip succeeded in controlling the Church Used the social divisions in France to divide & conquer He created the Estates General-representative of the 3 classes- –Clergy –Nobility –Commoners Why is it important that the King created it? King used it to control the clergy & bypass the nobility
Testing French Power Capetian kings worried about growing power of English Kings Remember: English Kings are a French vassal King Philip II Augustus- used his strong bureaucracy & royal $ to resist English threat English & German allied against French- French won handedly- asserted French role in European politics
The New Holy Roman Empire Otto I able to forcibly take over and consolidate German feudal lords Came to protection of Pope John XII –What do you suppose the Pope did in return? Crowned emperor- –Controlled Germany & N. Italy Otto and his successors embraced the Church- gave land to bishops Appted bishops and abbots
Cluny Reform Church trying to regain their control –Formed new monastery at Cluny –Strict adherence to Benedictine Rule –Determined to maintain a spiritual Church –Exalt idea of clerical celibacy –Rejected subordination of clergy to secular official Was popular amongst common people & nobles What idea does the Cluny reform movement express?
Papal Move for Autonomy By 1050, Pope ruled by grace of King’s sword What do I mean? King Henry III- appointed popes he liked: Clement II Was anti-pope-church officials didn’t recognize After his death-papacy exerted its power- –Created College of Cardinals: –Archbishops who elect the Pope
Investiture Controversy Pope Gregory VII- decreed only C of C can choose Popes Henry IV-serious threat to his stability- –Made his bishops swear loyalty to him –Gregory excommunicated Henry Why is this a big deal? –Henry begged Pope for forgiveness. Why is this a smart move? –Henry back to placing bishops-excommunicated again- Does it have any meaning this time?
Concordat of Worms German nobles eager to see a weakened King sided with Church Concordat of Worms- Only Church can appoint bishops and Popes –Though Kings can give land and gifts to the new bishops Weakened German emperor-lords rebelled against strong kings and sided with Church