Polar Mapping Update and WMS Experience Shinobu Kawahito Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) in support of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) WGISS-27 Toulouse
Overview Thanks to WGISS members, we got Advices on how to use EPSG dataset tool. Helps on checking registered CRS (Coordinate Reference System) and their EPSG code for polar regions. Additional advices on manipulating commercial software in some projections (such as EASE-Grid). Purpose Technical experiment about Polar Mapping system. Result from the WGISS-26
Recent Activity Check EPSG code for JAXA/AMSR-E product Check mapping software support for target code As a next step, polar mapping test system has made using JAXA sample polar data. Check EPSG for polar mapping Build Test System Make test system using basic Mapping Component, and adopt AMSR-E sample data
JAXA AMSR-E Level 3 Product in Polar Stereographic Projection ( Northern Hemisphere ) Different CRSs are adopted TB ( Brightness Temperature ), IC ( Sea Ice Concentration ) SWE ( Snow Water Equivalent )
EPSG Check of JAXA AMSR-E ( Northern Hemisphere ) -> Some CRSs are missing in current EPSG dataset, from the perspective of JAXA.
CRS in various WMS System Target CRS in the test system.
Capabilities Test for Polar Mapping using Basic Mapping Component -> System properly works with each CRS.
Views in different CRS (near polar) Polar Stereographic Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Views in different CRS (wide area) Polar StereographicLambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Lessons Learned Polar Mapping - Polar Mapping System can be built using FOSS. EPSG code - Some polar related CRSs are not registered in EPSG dataset. Projection -Presumably there is no single common “polar projection” across various agencies and software. -In order to merge images of different projections, a question is, inter-convertiviblity between different projections, for instance, such as Stereographic into/from Equal Area.
Lessons Learned (cont’) -OGC definition of BBOX (Boundary Box) and software definition of BBOX might differ. -For instance, in the recent WMS v1.3.0, BBOX means the outside limits of the region, while MapServer Software adopts pixel center of corner pixels. WMS spec v1.3.0 MapServer Software v5.2 (minX, minY) (maxX, maxY) (minX, minY) (maxX, maxY) BBOX
Towards Further Enhancement NSIDC ESA ENVISAT ASAR mosaic near real-time Monthly Average layers Sea Ice Extent - Nimbus/SMMR, DMSP/SSMI Sea Ice Concentration - Nimbus/SMMR, DMSP/SSMI Snow Extent - AVHRR, GOES Snow Depth - Nimbus/SMMR, DMSP/SSMI Others Make prototype that publish JAXA polar data Merge layers with layers from other WMS servers.. IDN ?.. to be checked e.g.) Now Considering ways for further enhancement e.g.)
Security Regarding security aspect, Polar Mapping Test System: - Prototype Server address is not publicly announced. - IP filter at Fire-Wall, and Basic Authentication at the Web Server. Other Mapping Service: - Application URL is publicly announced. - IP filter at Fire-Wall - IP filter, Digest Authentication, SSL/https, and SSL/Client Side Authentication at the Web Server and Browser.