Project Summary I-95 Corridor Coalition Truck Parking Initiative
Project Background l Truckers needing to stop driving have difficulty finding unoccupied parking spaces. l The problem impacts: Safety Congestion Fuel usage Driver performance Carrier performance l FHWA awarded a grant to the Coalition for a pilot truck parking system deployment.
Project Objectives l Demonstrate proof-of-concept to show: Technology can accurately identify available parking spaces. Parking information can be communicated to drivers in a timely, useful, and efficient fashion. l Demonstrate feasibility of the concept in a limited deployment in MD and VA. l Develop an approach that can be expanded and replicated beyond this pilot deployment.
Project Overview l Coalition’s test system is comprised of three modules: Data-Collection Data-Integration Data-Dissemination l System utilizes space-by-space monitoring approach. l Multiple technologies were considered and extensively field-tested: Ultimately in-ground sensors were selected – using a hybrid device, comprised of both radar and magnetometer units inside a single casing. l During system demonstration, parking data will be available via: Truck Parking Website IVR Telephone System (with automatic call-back feature) Continuously-generated external data feed l Project divided into 2 tiers: Tier I - Limited Beta test Tier II – Full public release IVR Telephone System Truck Parking Website Data Collection Data Integration
Deployment Status l System deployed, configured, integrated with host system, and extensively tested at two Tier I locations: I-95 Ladysmith Rest Area, Northbound, Caroline County, VA. I-95 Welcome Center, Northbound, Laurel, MD. l All system components and communications are fully functional. l System successfully “acceptance tested” with Coalition, FHWA, and VDOT. l Coalition system is a true “production-level” system: Includes both front- and back-end components. Designed to support a significant volume of web and telephone traffic simultaneously hitting the system, and is expandable. System is linked to an O&M Center.
Next Steps l Complete Tier I user testing: Recruiting truckers to participate in field test. l Assess Tier I performance and refine system as needed. l Expand pilot locations in Tier II, and open system usage to the general public. l Assess Tier II performance.
Context Diagram