Archiving To archive a file you need to move the into a.pst file. When you put the into another.pst file the you choose to archive is moved into the archive file and is no longer available in the main.pst file. For a person to start archiving you need to click the “File” tab on the ribbon. You need to go onto the account information screen, click the “Clean-up Tool” button next to “Mailbox Clean-up.” After you need to look for the “Archive…” button from the drop-down menu. Select “Archive this folder and all subfolders” and choose a folder to archive. To archive all of your s you must, select the node with your address at the top. “Archive items older than” drop-down list to select the latest date for items to be archived. After a calendar should pop up.
The benefits of archiving are: The inbox will be cleared from using it. You can recover any lost files or attachments that are important. There are accelerated responses. Business s and attachments are contained. "eDiscovery" in the case of litigation or internal investigations
The auto-archiving is the easiest way to clear out your inbox if you can’t do it manually. select the “Include items with “Auto-Archive” to archive s that don’t auto archive. Auto archive is the same as it was in 2010 If you press the “browse” button it gives you the option to change the file the s go to.
The file that it is in will have.pst files in it for the e- mails. They will not be available in the main.pst file, but it should become available in outlook. In the blue panel on the left side of the “Account Information” screen, click on “Open & Export.” On the “Open” screen, click “Open Outlook Data File. The “Open Outlook Data File” dialog box opens. Navigate to the location where you saved the archived.pst file, select it, and click OK.
In the left pane of the main Outlook Mail window, a section called “Archives” displays and the s you archived are available. Archiving can help you keep your s organized, making it easier to find older s and to keep your inbox and folders uncluttered.
If the files are too big then you can copy and paste instead of attaching files to it. You could also use things like winrar to compress the files so they are smaller. Or you could send PDF files instead of word files.