The Struggle for Democracy in Latin America
WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES DEMOCRACY MAKE? Free and fair elections Civil liberties Non-violent change of governments International relations (Do democracies go to war with each other?)
Dimensions of Democracy Electoral – open, competitive elections on a more or less level playing field Civic – ensemble of rights, entitlements and policies that encourage citizens to speak, assemble and organize freely Social – availability of jobs, housing, education, health services that relate to policies that reduce inequalities in distribution of income Mexico Campaign Rally: Felipe Calderon
Global Waves of Democracy: First Wave Began with the American revolution Advanced slowly throughout the nineteenth century Peaked in aftermath of World War I
First Reverse Wave of Authoritarianism: Great Depression stimulates Fascism Italy Germany Japan Victorious “Democratic” Powers
Global Waves of Democracy: Second Wave Began in 1944; lasted into the middle 1960’s More widespread than “First Wave” Swept over most of Latin America Second reverse wave of authoritariansim ( ) New professionalism Bureaucratic authoritarian regimes
Global Wave of Democracy: The Third Wave (1985 – present?) Defeat in war over Malvinas: leads to the overthrow of Argentina’s military government (1982) Brazilian military: withdraws from running the country ( ) Central American Wars: wind down and authoritarian governments gives way to representative democratic regimes as Soviet Union implodes Argentine Prisoners of War
Cases that Raise Questions about the future of Democracy Cuba Fidel Castro argues that communism is superior to representative democracy
More Cases that Raise Questions about the future of Democracy Haiti: continues in a political “Twilight Zone”
More Cases that Raise Questions about the future of Democracy Nicaragua: Electoral Caudillismo
More Cases that Raise Questions about the future of Democracy Evo Morales: Bolivia
Explaining the Waves of Democracy Single Cause ? Economic Political Military Marches for Morales – multiple causes
Explaining the Waves of Democracy Parallel Development? Snowballing? Prevailing Nostrum
Explaining the Third Wave: Economic Considerations Second oil crisis Economic growth and the gap Exhaustion of Import Substitution Industrialization
Explaining the Third Wave: Political Dimensions Fall of remnants of colonial empires? Middle sectors felt threatened by policies of dictatorships? New policies of external actors ?
Has the Third Wave of Democracy Run Its Course ? Does direct democracy lead to Electoral Authoritarianism?