Constructing student knowledge of mass transport through interpretation of field data x Jodi Ryder Central Michigan University vs x
Unofficial activity objective = survive the last two weeks of the course! Activity ObjectiveHow do we achieve it? Observe characteristics of real contaminant plumes Measure MMR plume dimensions from data in LeBlanc et al Identify features used to predict contaminant transport -Discuss advection, dispersion, diffusion concepts with leading examples -Practice problem #1 Develop analytic model for predicting mass transport -develop quantitative representations of each process -Present the model with emphasis on what different parts of the equation represent Compare the 1-D advection dispersion model to field results Practice problem #2 Practice using excel to run a modelPreloaded spreadsheet on Bb Observe the trends that result from the parameters of the model Step by step instructions to change parameters and graph
Calculations: -Flow velocity, K -hydrodynamic dispersivity -retardation Measurements : -gradient -center of mass length, depth -plume width
Building on what students know… The tennis ball model What happens and why? Practice problem #1 – students come up with examples Lecture #1
C = concentration (mg/L or mol/L) C o = initial concentration (must match C) L = downstream length (L) t = time since release (t) D L = hydrodynamic dispersion(L 2 /t) Dispersion Advection Concentration trend Lecture #2 How do we quantify v x, L, D L
Practice problem #2 A landfill is leaking leachate with a chloride concentration of 725 mg/L, which enters and aquifer with the following properties: K = 3.0 x10 -3 cm/s gradient = effective porosity = 0.23 D* 1 x m 2 /s Compute the concentration of chloride in 1 year at a distance of 15 m from the point where the leachate entered the groundwater. C = 65 mg/L
-Students have time to play with model -Questions prompt them to experiment with changing inputs C0C0 C LtDLDL
Integration into capstone project Simultaneously already working on project -Repeat 5 areas of course for a superfund site of their choosing using public data on the local geology and the specific site hydrologic balance soil characterization aquifer characterization well analysis hypothetical mass transport - Lots of estimation, assumption, and using best professional judgment
Explore Build concepts and terms Solve problems Add complexity (reality)