Briana Bethel Glenn Bianco Kristin Carminati Scott Harvey Chris Welch
Park Connector Park Enhancement Prospective Use Property Valuation and Taxes
Crosswalk Push Button One single piece of sidewalk
Push Button Crosswalk Single Section of Sidewalk
Actual Crosswalk Signal Cost: $20,000 - $140,000 Motion detectors: $5,000 Park Sign Pathway linking crosswalk to park Signs Natural Path
1050 ft long, 3.5 ft wide. 2 Main Costs Clearing costs: $145 per foot x 1050 ft = $152,250 Pavement costs: $33.5 per foot x 1050 ft = $35,175 Total Pond Walkway Costs: $187,425
Walkway Ends 150 ft short of parking lot 2 Main Costs Clearing costs = $145 per foot x 150 ft = $21,750 Paving costs = $33.5 per foot x 150 ft = $5,025 Total Extension costs = $26,775 Total Walkway costs =$214,200
Poll of the Siena Campus Sample size: 30 97% were unaware of the park 63% were interested in utilizing the park Approximately 2,200 people 53% were interested in recreational benefits 47% were interested in aesthetic benefits
Exercise Benefit Formula # of users*% using*individual savings*used months 2,200 *.53 * 330 * 6/12= $192,000 Aesthetic Benefit Formula Contingent value*% using*# of users 11.5 *.47 * 2,200= $12,000
Justifications: easy access, utilization of the parks is desired for safe living within a community’s recreational area Single family homes adjacent to a trail: 29% say existence of the trail increase the selling price of their home. 57% of residents say that the trail make the home easier to sell 29% were positively influenced by the trail near the home they bought
Zoning Zone 1: 10-15% increase Includes 15 houses Zone 2:5-10% increase Includes 15 houses Taxes cancel out Physical Expense Intrinsic Benefit