Michael A. Martingrove CI, TDSB April 19,
Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Why this Course Exists 3.What’s An IDC Course?/ IDC Rules 4.Introducing IDC4U at Your School 5.Course Outline & Structure 6.Units/Assignments 7.Resources Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
2. Why This Course Exists Business Curriculum Market for a 4U Course A Committee of People – Teachers, Board Coordinator, and Ministry Reviewers Financial Literacy Interest from Students Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Definition: –“The term interdisciplinary is used to describe an approach to learning and knowledge that integrates and benefits from the understanding and application of the approaches of different subjects and disciplines.” –In other words, mixing two or more courses to make another. (Source: The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 11 and 12. Interdisciplinary Studies. MOE. Page 4.) 3. What’s an IDC Course? Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Three course codes approved by the MOE: –IDC3O –IDC4O –IDC4U (prerequisite: any 3U course) Course code rules –Trillium accepts only unique course codes Students can only take a maximum of three IDC courses (that can be recognized as a part of their diploma) Interdisciplinary Studies Rules Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
All three course codes (courses) have three strands: 1.Theory and Foundation 2.Processes and Methods of Research 3.Implementation, Evaluation, Impacts, and Consequences The expectations from these strands are combined with the expectations from the contributing courses to form units of study Interdisciplinary Studies Rules Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Positives Student-centered Unique experience Knowledge from various disciplines May create a “U” or “O” level course More options for students May be adapted from school to school Negatives A lot of work for the writing group Need to test the course for a few years The right teacher may be hard to find Limitation: –1 3O –1 4O –1 4U Multiple IDC courses at one school 3. What’s an IDC Course? Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
The IDC Approach to Financial Securities Expectations taken from the following Courses: Accounting Data Management Economics –Entrepreneurship –Law –Others – Marketing, Management, etc Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
4. Introducing IDC4U in Your School It may create more sections for the business studies department Opportunity for professional development Work in collaboration with others Opportunity to write other interdisciplinary courses Empowers students and teachers Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
5. Course Outline & Structure 1 st Example: Unit 1: Background Information and Economics –3 to 4 assignments, 1 major assignment, 1 test –Major assignment – presentation Unit 2: Fundamental Investment Concepts –3 to 4 assignments, 1 major assignment, 1 test –Major assignment – case study – write a report Unit 3: Risk and Return –3 to 4 assignments, 1 major assignment, 1 test –Major assignment – case study – write a report Unit 4: Corporations and Financial Statements –3 to 4 assignments, 1 major assignment, 1 test –Major assignment – financial analysis of a company Unit 5: Portfolio Management –Financial securities portfolio – Investor Education Fund Unit 6: Career Opportunities in Finance Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
1. Research Library visit 10 Stock Research Project Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
2. Taxation Prepare a tax return Use the CRA resource Teaching Taxes –Updated every year Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
3. Macroeconomics Overview of macroeconomic theories Study of financial disasters and what has been learned from each Economist/Financial Guru Profile and Presentation Milton Friedman Source: ( December 3, 2008) Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
4. Financial Analysis Financial Statement introduction Key Ratios Ratio Analysis Poster –compare 14 ratios of 4 companies within an industry and throw it all in a poster! Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
5. Fixed Income & Equity-Based Securities Stock market simulation Eg. Marketwatch.com/Nippissing Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
5. Fixed Income & Equity-Based Securities (2 units combined) Stock market simulation-based presentation Eg. MarketWatch/Nippissing University
6. The Financial Plan (Summative Evaluation) Create a financial plan for a real person Create a profile (including risk tolerance level asset allocation mix) Pick 4 investments Spend 4-6 weeks tracking performance Company report Reflection IEF Competition! Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
7. Ethics and Investing Case Studies eg. Fair Play Guest Speakers Source: ( December 3, 2008) Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Web-based Resources Google Finance Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Web-based Resources Investor Education Fund (for teachers) Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Web-based Resources MoneySense magazine Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013 Web-based Resources CBC News – Business Video:
Web-based Resources SEDAR EDGAR Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Web-based Resources The Montreal Derivatives Exchange Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Web-based Resources Bank of Canada Inflation Calculator Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Web-based Resources Business News Network Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013
Questions? Financial Securities Think Tank Michael A. Goldberg, OBEA, 2013