By ENTRACK Inc ENTRACK tm GUI/400 EDI System Presentation §©Copyright 2001.
2 ENTRACK Setting up your Company Setting up Trading Partners. Setting up Applications. Mapping Transactions. Working with Communication Queues. Inquiry Screens. Communicating to Networks. Process Transactions. Excel Spread Sheets - Graphs. Menus.
3 Entrack - EDI Systems ENTRACK Main Menu Select Options Last 12 Months of Communication Data.
4 Company Master Maintenance Company Selection List allows for Multiple Companies.
5 Set up your Company Company ID is typically your company’s Sender ID. GS ID for group level. Purge days for application and Communication data.
6 Set up Trading Partners Trading Partner Qualifier, ID, and Name. Company ID. Standards. Control Numbers. Delimiters. Level of Acknowledgment. Network.
7 Trading Partner Group Level Transaction Set, Type, and Code. Sender ID/Receiver ID. Control number, Version, and Map Name.
8 Enveloping Data ISA Segment from Trading Partner Header GS Segment from Group Level
9 Printing Trading Partner List Print Trading Partners.
10 Set up Application Create Application. Assign Transaction. Description. Inbound/Outbound. Active/Inactive. Assign Send/Receive ID (Outbound) Resynchronize App.
11 Send-Receive Fields Used for Outbound Application. Select fields for Interchange Sender/Receiver ID. Select fields for Group level Ids.
12 Application Files File Name. Level. Sequence. Description. Retrieve source for fields. Key field at level break.
13 Application Field Definition Field Name. Start Position. Length. Decimal Position. Field type. Date Format (Up to 18 formats to choose). Text.
14 Mapping Trading Partner’s Maps Creating Maps. Selecting Segments. Selecting Elements. Drag and Drop Complete Maps. Drag and Drop Individual Segments.
15 Mapping Segments Select Segments to add to Map.
16 Defining Segments Sequence Segment Level of segment (Header, Detail (1-9), or Summary Level). Write to File (Inbound) Write segment multiple times(Outbound) Drag and Drop Individual Segments. §Inbound §Outbound
17 Select Elements to Map Select Elements.
18 Mapping Elements - Inbound Defining Elements. Map Database Fields. Substring Fields. Substring EDI Data. Map Constant. Condition Elements. Map Substitute Segment. Calculate. Use Constants. Use Accumulators.
19 Mapping Elements - Outbound Defining Elements. Map Database Fields. Substring Fields. Map Constant. Condition Elements. Calculate. Use Constants. Use Accumulators.
20 Display Mailbox by Comm Queues Display Network Queues. Vans, Private Networks, and Internet. Select Inbound or Outbound Queues.
21 Comm Batch Queues Display Comm Batch Queues. Position to Date. Display Batch Header info. Display Data. Change Status.
22 Display Communication Data Display Raw Data in Batch. Position to Record Number. Search for Text. Print Batch.
23 Change Status of Batch Change Batch Status. Inbound Status - Received, Hold, Processed. Outbound Status - Queue, Hold, Processed.
24 Queue by Trading Partner Select Queued Data by Trading Partner. Select Inbound or Outbound.
25 Batch Queue by Trading Partner Select Queued Batch. Change Status. Display Data. Change Data. Transaction Level.
26 Display TP Data from Outque Display Data in Trading Partner Batch. Display Segments on separate records. Print Batch.
27 Edit and Requeue Data Edit Data in Batch Queue. Requeue the Edited Data. ReEnvelope the Batch.
28 Requeue Data Requeue the Edited Data. ReEnvelope the Batch.
29 Queue at Transaction Level Select Individual Transaction to Display. Select Individual Transaction to Edit and Requeue. Print Transaction.
30 FA Maintenance Display Functional Acknowledgments Status for Outbound Transactions. Update FA to Accept Transaction. Delete FA Requirement for FA.
31 Unacknowledged Transactions Print Unacknowledged Transactions. Print Acknowledgments with errors.
32 History Inquiry Display Inbound and Outbound Batches. Display date, time, and control number of Batch when Sent and Received. Display number of Transactions in Batch.
33 AS/400 Communications Select Network. Select session type. Send/Receive, Send, Receive, Change Password.
34 Submit Bisync Communications Submit Communications. Display Script. Edit Bisync Script. Print Script.
35 Submit FTP Communications Submit Communications. Display Script. Edit Script. Print Script.
36 Process Transactions Process Inbound Transactions. Reprocess. Used for Processing original Inbound Rejected Transactions. Process Outbound Transactions.
37 Excel Spread Sheet Generates Excel Spread Sheets. Mapping work sheets. Application work sheets. Trading Partner Work sheets.
38 Graphs by Trading Partner Summarize Graphs. Detail graph by Trading Partner. Graphs data by date range.
39 Menus Select options from the Menu.
40 Access AS/400 Database Access AS/400 files with GUI Acceler8. Update data. Copy files and members.