A Conceptual Approach to KS2 RE AREIAC Conference 2011 Helen Matter, Diocesan Schools’ and RE Adviser
The SCITT Students
Concept cracking USER
EXPERIENCE Links with the children’s EXPERIENCE Something they know about- a parallel Something they can imagine – funny, puzzling, challenging Something which is a complete contrast / opposite
Are we incorporating beliefs in RE? incarnation
Transforming RE Report
What do Christians believe? What key beliefs / concepts should we be teaching in Primary School, particularly in KS2? Taking on the beliefs of Christianity …..
concepts / big ideas / beliefs 1. incarnation 2. …………… 3. …………… 4. …………… 5. …………… 6. …………… 7. …………… 8. …………… 9. ……………
Christianity Key Stage 2 Inspirational People Symbolic Expression Religion, Family and Community Religion and the Individual The Journey of Life and Death Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places Teachings and Authority Beliefs in Action in the World Beliefs and Questions
A few good teachers …. RECONCILIATION
Ben, Sam and Jack have always been best friends. Ben and Sam have had a big fight; they are not even talking to each other now. Should Jack A) help Ben and Sam make friends again? B) leave them and make new friends? C) still play with both but on different days?
Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children. Jesus The Bible: Matthew 5 v.9
Our God is a God who makes friends. Our God is a God who is faithful to the end. Our God is a God who makes friends. Our God calls us all to make friends. Yes, you as well as I, we’re the very ones God sends. Our God calls us all to make friends. A song from Canada
He will be called the Prince of Peace …
Religions are complex. It is all too easy to stick to the obvious: festivals, practices and founders, without asking too many questions about ‘why’. Beliefs and concepts are like the glue which hold all these together. They give the ‘big picture’ and can transform RE.
What concepts /beliefs might we need for each religion? Autum n 1 Autum n 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summ er 1 Summe r 2 3CHICCJ 4CHISCS 5CHIJCB 6CHIBCHum Religion and the Individual Inspirational People Teachings and Authority Beliefs and Questions Beliefs in Action Worship, Pilgrimage & Sacred Places Religion, Family and Community Journey of Life and Death Symbols & Religious Expression
Meet Beth ….. and her critics!
Jula Bible – November 2008
Moving onwards …. Engage / encounter Enquire Explore Express Evaluate Enter …… Enable …..