Unit 1: Getting to Know You P8/ Poor speak wonderful in (a.) (v.) (a. ) (p. 介 ) usually on came enjoy (adv.) (p.) (v.) (v.) quickly went factory (adv.) (v.) (n.)
Unit 1: Getting to Know You 3 1. I ’ m reading a good book. I booked my flight online. 2. You ’ re such a kind person. What kind of drinks do you prefer? 3. His boss used to be very mean. Do you mean he told us a lie? 4. Turn on the light, please. I ’ d like to have a cup of light coffee. 5. Jeff says he can speak French very well. My roommate bought me a can of milk on the way to dormitory.
Unit 1: Getting to Know You 6. The children pay attention to their play. Climate plays an important role in travelling. 7. All staves have to participate the training programs. Taking trains, people have more time to watch the sceneries. 8. The dogs bark when someone rings the bell. He prepares a ring for proposing to his fianc é e.
Unit 1: Getting to Know You Task 1. p4/4 Task 2. p5/2 Task 3. listening and translating word by word.
Unit 1: Getting to Know You Assignment: designing your own date! 說明 : 請使用至少 B4 或更大張的海報紙設計. 請附上理想約會對象的圖形或相片. 請將理想對象的條件 / 外型等描述以 英文簡短陳列於海報中.
GRAMMARFREE! Unit 1: Getting to Know You