Structured Academic Controversy: Does Andrew Jackson deserve to be on the 20 dollar bill?
CONTROVERSY! YES: Andrew Jackson deserves to be on the 20 dollar bill. NO: Andrew Jackson does not deserve to be on the 20 dollar bill.
Basic Steps I.Preparation - reading documents II.Position Presentation III.Consensus Building – reaching a conclusive answer as a group
Rules of A Successful Academic Controversy Active listening Challenge ideas, not persons Try your best to understand other position Share the floor: each person in pair MUST have an opportunity to speak No disagreeing until consensus-building
Let’s Get Started Form into groups of four by finding those with the same number as you. Once seated in your group, sit next to your same sandwich condiment. (peanut butter sits together) –Peanut butter is assigned the YES position –Jelly is assigned the NO position In your pair examine the documents and find those that support your position. Record on your capture sheet. 15 minutes
Present to Your Counterparts Position Presentation a.Peanut butter presents their position using supporting evidence from the texts. b.Jelly restates peanut butter’s position to peanut butter’s satisfaction. 5 Minutes and then switch c.Jelly presents their position using supporting evidence from the texts. d. Peanut butter restates jelly’s position to jelly’s satisfaction. 5 minutes
Build Consenus Peanut butter and jelly put aside their differences. 1. Discuss the ideas that have been presented. Where does your group agree? Where does your group disagree? 15 minutes
What conclusions did your group come to? Homework: Write a DBQ on this question. Summarizer