Monarchs provided protection in return for loyalty, taxes, military support Magna Carta- contract that limited the power of monarch and granted certain rights to citizens.
Parliament- started as a group of nobles to help the King make decisions. This became their parliament. Common Law- system of laws based on precedence and customs.
King grants charter (a written document granting land and authority to set up colonial governments in the behalf of he king). Virginia House of Burgesses est.-first form of self government in colonies
Mayflower Compact- Pilgrims new they needed rules in order to survive in the new colony so they created a plan and all signed it before landing Established a tradition of direct democracy
Colonies were prospering. England wanted to benefit from this and started to tax the colonies. Colonist did not like these taxes and attempts at control. They boycotted British good in hope of repealing taxes
Didn’t like Stamp Act, Tea Act and Intolerable Act. Action-Boston Tea Party. First Continental Congress-delegates met in Philadelphia to discuss problems and solutions. Made demands on King George.
War began and the Colonist began thinking about independence. Second Constitutional Congress-developed Declaration on independence- written by Tomas Jefferson
Declaration stated that the purpose of Gov’t was to protect the rights of the people. Gov’t based on consent of the govern People can change the gov’t if it disregards their rights
Each state created a constitution. Bicameral (2 house) legislatures. Est. a governor to carry out laws set up by legislature. Also guaranteed a Bill of Rights Massachusetts’s constitution divided power of government between governor, legislature, and courts. Officials effected by citizens. Becomes bases for US Constitution.
First constitution of the United States of America Confederation between states. Est. legislative body to control army and deal w/ foreign affairs
Lack of Power- can’t tax, regulate trade, no power to enforce laws Lack of Central Power- no single leader, no national court Rules too rigid-difficult to pass laws, unanimous agreement for change.