Warm-up 8/25 Do we need government? Why or why not? On a sheet of paper list at least 3 reasons. Once you have written down your reasons, discuss it with.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-up 8/25 Do we need government? Why or why not? On a sheet of paper list at least 3 reasons. Once you have written down your reasons, discuss it with your neighbor.

Unit 1 Goal 10 Chapters 1 & 5

What is Civics? Chapter 1

Civics The study of the rights and duties of citizens. Citizen Have certain rights and duties according to the place they live. Government Ruling authority for a community or society

The Common Good The ultimate role of the government is to do the greatest good to the greatest number of people without harming others

Why We Need Gov’t? Make laws Keep Order Provide Services Prevent anarchy (The absence of government)

Levels of Government - National -State -Local County City

Democracy Republics-- rule by the consent of the people Democracy (people vote) Direct democracy-a form of government where each citizens has an actual say in the affairs of government Representative democracy- a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them

Monarchy Form of government led by a king or a queen Absolute monarchy Limited monarchy (restricted) Example: The Queen of England

Socialist Type of government where individuals and government share ownership in major businesses and government takes on a greater role in citizen’s lives.

Communist Type of government where the government owns and controls all aspects of life for its citizens Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels authors of the Communist Manifesto

Authoritarian Dictatorship-Type of government that is usually controlled by one person who allows very little freedom or opposition Totalitarianism-Form of government where little freedom or opposition is allowed Oligarchy-Government that is ruled by a small group of people

Religious Theocracy- Type of government that is ruled by religious leaders The Pope and Vatican City