GNET Mike Kozak Campus Office: F115C
GNET Kozak Campus Phone: Fax: Home Phone:
GNET Catalog Description
GNET Catalog GNET Professional Presentations; 3 hours. (2;3) Prerequisites: ENGL 1320, or ENGL 2700
GNET Catalog Oral and written communication techniques to include: conceptualization, design, development, and delivery - with special reference to technical material.
GNET Catalog Content will use industrial graphics computer software and address speaker support materials: visuals, speaker note pages, interactive software, audience, and handouts.
GNET General Description
GNET Description Designed to enable the student to communicate effectively in clear and correct prose in a style appropriate to the: subject, occasion, and audience.
GNET Description This course emphasizes: the development and utilization of visual displays of quantitative data and aesthetic materials, and…
GNET Description the design and production of computer- generated speaker support materials.
GNET Description This course uses graphics software and includes: visuals, speaker note pages, interactive computer presentations, and audience handouts.
GNET Description Oral and written communication includes: formal and informal presentations;
GNET Description utilization of clear, coherent and persuasive language;
GNET analysis, interpretation and critique of spoken presentations;
GNET Description construction and presentation of arguments;
GNET Description brainstorming sessions; and
GNET Description preparation of clear, correct, concise and coherent technical reports.
GNET Justification
GNET Justification The use of visuals, computer presentations and technical graphics production is experiencing phenomenal growth and popularity.
GNET Justification Brainstorming techniques are utilized for idea conception such as: initializing strategic plans, and product R&D.
GNET Justification Oral presentations and arguments are used to initiate, support or cease production of projects.
GNET Justification Concise oral presentations are a mainstay of companies that employ graduates.
GNET Justification Students need an opportunity: to gain experience in the research and development of this specific type of communication relevant to their career,
GNET Justification to understand its potential for career advancement, and…
GNET Justification to practice hands-on skills in order to be competitive utilizing corporate media.
GNET Special Accommodations
GNET Accommodations The Engineering Technology Department, in cooperation with the Office of Disability Accommodation, complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities.
GNET Accommodations Please present your written accommodation request to me prior to the fourth class day.
GNET Course Objectives
GNET Objectives Understand and demonstrate writing and speaking processes through: invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation
GNET Objectives Understand the importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select appropriate communication choices.
GNET Objectives Understand and appropriately apply modes of expression in written, interactive computer, visual and oral communication.
GNET Objectives Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on: listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
GNET Objectives Understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving and technical proficiency in the development of meaning, purpose and argument.
GNET Objectives Develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and give an oral presentation.
GNET Learning Outcomes
GNET Learning Outcomes Critique a company brochure, utilizing prepared criteria and write a technical report.
GNET Learning Outcomes Critique a product instruction manual, utilizing prepared criteria and write a technical report.
GNET Learning Outcomes Critique a company annual report, utilizing prepared criteria and write a technical report.
GNET Learning Outcomes Critique a company web site, utilizing prepared criteria and write a technical report.
GNET Learning Outcomes Recall and summarize the educational and technical background of a class presenter.
GNET Learning Outcomes Prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation incorporating a variety of graphics that incorporates qualitative data.
GNET Learning Outcomes Diagnose, analyze and evaluate proposed solutions in a brainstorming session and recommend the one, best solution.
GNET Learning Outcomes Articulate proposed solutions in a brainstorming session.
GNET Learning Outcomes Present a visual and oral argument relevant to an industrial topic and be prepared to discuss logical alternatives.
GNET Learning Outcomes Analyze, interpret, and critique a faculty research proposal, utilizing prepared criteria and write a technical report.
GNET Learning Outcomes Conduct an audience analysis.
GNET Learning Outcomes Evaluate solutions to a technical problem, as a member of a management team.
GNET Learning Outcomes Prepare a class presentation that: is well researched, is grammatically correct, and interprets printed material relevant to a technical specialty.
GNET Learning Outcomes Prepare and distribute a resume with a digitized photograph, glossary of technical terms, and references utilized in the presentation preparation.
GNET Library Usage
GNET Library Usage Research required prior to preparation of presentation.
GNET Required Texts
GNET Required Texts for Lecture Jones, R. E. (1997). Creating and Delivering Technical Presentations. Denton, TX: RonJon Publishing, Inc.
GNET Required Texts for Lecture Tufte, E. R. (2001). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Second Edition. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.
GNET Supplemental Text for lab Shelly, G.B., Cashman, T. J. & Sebok, S. L. (2000). PowerPoint Cambridge, MA: Thomson Learning.
GNET Other Materials
GNET Other Materials Appropriate handout materials will be available on the instructor’s web site... Students will purchase 3 ½” disks, CD-R disks and other consumable supplies as needed for this course.
GNET Teaching Methods
GNET Methods Learning experiences may include: lectures, demonstrations, problem-solving activities, teleconferencing,
GNET Methods video tapes, computer software, films, other instructional media, independent and assigned library work,
GNET Methods laboratory activities, classroom interaction, and written and oral reports or projects.
GNET Grading
GNET Grading Grading scale: Written assignments15% Brainstorming Session15% Midterm Examination15% Final Presentation40% Final Examination15%
GNET Grading Written assignments and brainstorming written assignments that are completed on time may be resubmitted. Examination grades determined by highest score accomplished.
GNET Class Policies
GNET Class Policies Consult Course Syllabus on the web site for policies regarding: Academic Dishonesty, Copyright, Syllabus Changes, Class/Lab Prep,
GNET Class Policies Communication, Records, Review of Work, Cheating & Plagiarism, Use of Calculators, Course Grade Review,
GNET Class Policies Material Safety Data Sheets, Student Conduct, and Grade of “I”.
GNET Presenting Quantitative Data
GNET Creating Presentation Media
GNET Creating Presentation Media Audience Perceptions.
GNET Creating Presentation Media Presentation Boards.
GNET Creating Presentation Media Overhead Transparencies.
GNET Creating Presentation Media Computer Projection, and...
GNET Creating Presentation Media Interactive Software.
GNET Computer Graphics
GNET Computer Graphics Hardware and…
GNET Computer Graphics Software
GNET Speaker Support Materials
GNET Speaker Support Materials Computer- generated Note Pages… Additional Handouts.
GNET Speaker Support Materials Models.
GNET Speaker Support Materials Charts and Graphs.
GNET Technical Communication Skills
GNET Technical Communication Skills Analyzing... Interpreting... Critiquing... Evaluating.
GNET Oral Communication
GNET Responses to Presentations
GNET Responses to Presentations From Professional Personnel.
GNET Responses to Presentations From Classmates.
GNET Brainstorming
GNET Brainstorming Organizing and Participating.
GNET Written Communication
GNET Written Communication Tech-Briefs... Presented arguments... Technical Reports.
GNET The End