time Distance Number of leaves Water loss (ml) Time (m) Gas Produced (ml) Height (m) Age (years) Spot the mistakes in these graphs (s) (m)
Population Graphing To be able to draw scientific graphs and use these to make predictions
Population What is a population? What is the world human population? What problems may occur with the human population?
Population A population is a group of organisms of the same species, living in a given area – e.g. the population of this school / this country / the world The world human population is currently ~6.6 billion people! This many people puts a huge strain on resources – land; food; fuel etc…
How Many People Are There? Your task today is to complete the how many people are there assessment You will need to draw a graph from the data given, and answer the questions – you must make sure your graph is stuck in, and all answers are written in your book Remember: think about you scale, the graph axis, titles for the graph and axis, units, lines of best fit etc…
How Many People Are There?
Year Estimate world population (millions) YearIsland Population
How Many People Are There?
Rabbit population kept in check by number of predators / food quantity / availability of suitable land etc… Human population increased dramatically in last 100 years due to better living conditions – i.e. more medicine / food / water Population estimate in 2025 around 8 to 9 billion people!
How Many People Are There? If the population increases at the current rate resources necessary for life we become in great demand, leading to competition for resources, widespread famine and lack of space Human growth should slow as countries become developed, however population control may need to be implemented as it is in China (i.e. one child per family) If there is not enough food in an area people need to migrate / they will starve if they cannot get out or may be forced to rely on aid Foxes may migrate due to hunting needs (i.e. where there is more food) or because rivals occupy the territory
How Many People Are There? The rabbit population was steadily increasing until its peak in 1854, after which it was reduced from 222 to 143 by After 1858 the population begins to recover The change in population could be due to a natural disaster / predation by an newly introduced animal (or high numbers of pre-existing predators)
Levels Level 4 – results shown in graph form (may be bar graph or simple line graph) without named axis or a line of best fit Level 5 – results shown in a line graph with names axis. Some attempt to draw a line of best fit, and answers to questions show sound understanding Level 6 – results shown in accurate line graph with appropriate scale and named axis. Units are included, and there is an accurate line of best fit. Answers to the questions show good understanding Level 7 –results shown in accurate line graph, with appropriate scale and named axis. Units are included and there is an accurate line of best fit drawn. Answers to questions show detailed understanding and ability to transfer knowledge of animal populations to human populations