Friday April 24, 2015 Bell Work What message do you think this political cartoon is communicating? Explain using details from the picture.
The Government and Labor Let’s remember.. 1.In Economics, what is Labor? 2.What Economic System involves government regulation of private business?
The Government and Labor The government tries to protect employees in the workplace. This is a natural part of government regulation in the economy.
The Government and Labor It doesn’t always work. And some people think that government does more harm than good. Most people, however, would say that limited, smart government involvement is needed.
The Government and Labor One way the government attempts to protect workers is through… Minimum Wage – The minimum amount you can be paid. Federal = $7.25 Ohio = $8.10
The Government and Labor If you earned the Ohio minimum wage of $8.10/hour for full time work, your annual income would be.. $16,848
The Government and Labor Ohio full time minimum wage = $16,848 per year. Poverty line for a family of.. 1$11,670 2$15,730 3$19,790 4$23,850
The Government and Labor In the old days of Feudalism, workers were limited in employment options, and often were forced to work under conditions they didn’t like, under threat of punishment. Now, workers have legal freedom to choose their own employment, under a contract between employer and employee.
The Government and Labor Employment Contracts At Will Employment – A job where an employee may quit without punishment, or be fired for almost any reason.
The Government and Labor Hours Eight Hour Work Day – By law a standard work day is eight hours. Overtime Pay – If an employee is to work beyond eight hours, they must be paid more.
The Government and Labor Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety – Safe work environment is required by law.
The Government and Labor Over the past century, workplace fatalities have fallen by 80% in the U.S. What do you think are the most dangerous jobs?
The Government and Labor JobFatalities Fatalities per 100,000 employees Fishermen Pilots Timber cutter Structural metal workers Waste collectors Farmers and ranchers Power-line workers Miners Roofers Truck drivers All occupations5,8404.0
The Government and Labor Discrimination Anti-Discrimination Law – Discrimination in employment is illegal. Wrongful Dismissal – When you fire someone because of discrimination.
The Government and Labor Discrimination You cannot refuse to hire, refuse to promote or fire someone based upon: gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality or sexual orientation
The Government and Labor Children in the Work Place Child Labor Law – Work before age of 18 very limited. 0-14Illegal 14-16Limited hours 16-18Unlimited hours, non-hazardous Exceptions: Farm, Parents, Newspaper, Actor
Cotton Mill, North Carolina 1908 Night Shift 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM
Mill in Macon, Georgia 1909
Cranberry Farm 1939 Addie Card, 12, Cotton Mill 1910
Coal Mine 1910
Gambia Morocco India