Cyclical Monitoring Presented to State and Local Task Force
Cyclical Monitoring for Continuous Improvement (CMCI) Goals/Aspects of CMCI Goals/Aspects of CMCI 1. Alignment with Federal Office of Special Education (OSEP) monitoring. 2. Focus on outcomes and improvement results 3. Direct linkage with technical assistance for improvement results
Components of CMCI The Facilitated Self Assessment (FSA) The Facilitated Self Assessment (FSA) File Review File Review Parent and Teacher Interviews Parent and Teacher Interviews Student Interviews Student Interviews Administrative Interview Administrative Interview Classroom observation Classroom observation Federal Child Count Verification Federal Child Count Verification
FSA Topics Assistive Technology and Hearing Devices Assistive Technology and Hearing Devices Positive Behavior Support Positive Behavior Support Child Find Child Find Confidentiality Confidentiality Dispute Resolution Dispute Resolution Graduation and Drop Out rates Graduation and Drop Out rates
FSA Topics (con’t) Exclusions: Suspensions and Expulsions Exclusions: Suspensions and Expulsions Facilities used for Special Education Facilities used for Special Education Independent Education Evaluation (IEE) Independent Education Evaluation (IEE) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Provision of Extended School Year Services Provision of Extended School Year Services
FSA Topics (Con’t) Provision of Related Services including Psychological Counseling Provision of Related Services including Psychological Counseling Caseload and Age range Requirements Caseload and Age range Requirements Parent Training Parent Training Participation in PSSA and PASA Participation in PSSA and PASA Public School enrollment Public School enrollment Surrogate Parents (students requiring) Surrogate Parents (students requiring)
FSA Topics (con’t) Personnel Training Personnel Training Intensive Interagency Approach Intensive Interagency Approach Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Disproportionate Representation that Result in Inappropriate Identification Disproportionate Representation that Result in Inappropriate Identification
FSA Topics (con’t) Student Record Review Student Record Review The FSA is due 30 days before the on site visit. The FSA should include written narrative plus supportive documentation.
Student Selection Names are randomly selected by Leader Services. Names are randomly selected by Leader Services. 5 names are selected from the student record review. 5 names are selected by the Adviser from an new list generated by Leader Services 10 days prior to the monitoring 5 names are selected from the student record review. 5 names are selected by the Adviser from an new list generated by Leader Services 10 days prior to the monitoring
Peer Monitors Each Adviser selects 3 peers from a list of contracted/trained peer monitors. Each Adviser selects 3 peers from a list of contracted/trained peer monitors. Must have a parent peer on every team. Must have a parent peer on every team.
3 Days of monitoring Day 1 Day 1 Adviser is On site to work on the FSA. Day 2 and Day 3 Day 2 and Day 3 Begins with Administrative interview Peers are on site to do file review, observations, interviews
Parent Interviews Districts are asked to collect from parents good days and times to call. Districts are asked to collect from parents good days and times to call. Peers make three attempts to reach parents. Peers make three attempts to reach parents.
Student Interviews Student interviews were implemented at the recommendation of SEAP in Student interviews were implemented at the recommendation of SEAP in Only done at secondary level and with cooperation of the student. Only done at secondary level and with cooperation of the student.
Classroom Observations To gain further knowledge about implementation of programs and services. To gain further knowledge about implementation of programs and services. Not a teacher observation. Not a teacher observation. Facilities are checked at this time. Facilities are checked at this time.
Exit Conference Adviser collects raw data and FSA data Adviser collects raw data and FSA data Meets with district admin to review FSA and general comments Meets with district admin to review FSA and general comments Data sent to Harrisburg Data sent to Harrisburg
Wait Wait Wait Monitoring Report is usually issued in 3-5 weeks. Monitoring Report is usually issued in 3-5 weeks. Adviser returns on site with Pattan Consultants/IU staff to review report and plan corrective action and improvement plans Adviser returns on site with Pattan Consultants/IU staff to review report and plan corrective action and improvement plans All corrective action should be done as soon as possible but no later than one year the date the report is issued. All corrective action should be done as soon as possible but no later than one year the date the report is issued.
Can I obtain a Copy? Ask your District for a copy of the report. Ask your District for a copy of the report.
What should I do if my district refuses to give me a copy? A few things you can do…. A few things you can do…. ~ Contact Superintendent’s Office ~ Contact Superintendent’s Office ~Contact your BSE Adviser ~Contact your BSE Adviser ~ Make a Right To Know Request ~ Make a Right To Know Request The report is a public document. The report is a public document.
Questions?? Contact Amy Deluca at Contact Amy Deluca at