IC 5067 (PELICAN NEBULA) Raven LaFave
FACTS In the Pelican Nebula; Ridge following curve of head and neck Constellation: Cygnus ~1,900 light years away; 10 light years in diameter Northeast of Deneb Magnitude: RA: 20h50m54s; Dec: +44º25′06″ Emission Nebula Jets emitted: Herbig-Haro object 555
HERBIG-HARO OBJECTS Named after George Herbig and Guillermo Haro What are they? Pillars indicate a Protostar
WHY WOULD I PICK SUCH AN OBJECT? 1 st wanted to image M16 (Eagle Nebula) IC5067 was above the horizon! Detail e/1406/m16_32block950.jpg
IMAGING Telescope: 12″ Meade LX200 CCD: ST -9XE camera with RGB filters 10 flatfields in each filter and 10 flatdarks; both at.05 exposure 5 Dark Frames at 3min. Exposure 15 unfiltered; 10 of each filter (BGR); all at 3min. exposures
CCD SOFT Masterdark Masterflat: PROBLEM! Calibrate Align Combine
Unfiltered Median Green Add Red Add Blue Add
PHOTOSHOP Levels Curves Saturation Flatten MORE levels/curves/saturation
SOURCES a ii/nebulae-clouds/hh-555/