English Assignment
Task To explore a topic by understanding, analysing and evaluating information from two texts, and then present your findings.
You will be Assessed on… Your ability to: – understand information from at least 2 texts –Select relevant information –Evaluate the texts –Present what you have found out –Respond to questions about the topic
Process 1.Choose a topic 2.Choose two texts which both deal with the topic 3.Read the texts and make notes on content 4.Evaluate the effectiveness of each text (compare and contrast) 5.Present your findings 6.Respond to questions
Choosing a Topic Something that interests you Something you can later base a Discursive essay on Controversial Modern and not clichéd Relevant to you and your life – you have an opinion on/interest in Not too small and not too big Something you will be able to find sources on
Types of Text One MUST be a written/print text: NEWSPAPER ARTICLES - Reports - Front Pages - Columnists A Review A page/excerpt form and Website A short story/poem/extract from novel/play A Recipe A Scientific Report
Types of Text Other options for 2 nd text: Short TV Advert YouTube Clip – extract from a documentary etc A poster A Radio clip Excerpt from a film
Your two texts should deal with the same topic but you want them to have similarities AND differences to allow you to compare and evaluate them effectively CONSIDER: - Purpose - Audience - Main ideas/points/opinions - Presentation of information - Style/language/techniques
Once you have found your texts, make sure you have a note of all the bibliographic details: –Title –Author –Where it is taken from –Date written/accessed