Human Geography Adapted from: Michelle Mauger & Teach3215 Major Religions of the World
What is it? Why does it matter? 1. What is religion? What purpose does it serve? 2. Does religion influence decisions? Monotheistic: the belief in one god Polytheistic: the belief in multiple gods
Hinduism Founding/ Person: No single founder Place: India Time: 1500 BCE *oldest religion * Belief in god(s): Polytheistic= Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), Shiva(destroyer) Holy Books: Veda and Upanishads Code of Conduct: 1. Caste System: birth determines your place in society 2. Dharma: set of rules for your caste Afterlife: Reincarnation: coming back to life as another being Other Beliefs/Facts: 1. Karma: record of good and bad deeds throughout life 2. Ultimate goal of life is to make it to Moksha: escape the cycle of reincarnation and join Brahman.
Buddhism Founding/ Person: Siddhartha Gautama “Budda” which means “Enlightened one” -Prince who lived a sheltered life and sought the answer to end all suffering -Became Enlightened while sitting under a Bodhi tree Place: India- China Time: around 500 BCE Belief in god(s): Polytheistic Holy Books: Tripitaka Code of Conduct: 1. 4 Noble Truths: all life is suffering, suffering is caused by the desire for material things, to end suffering you need to get rid of the desire, follow the 8 Fold Path to get to Nirvana Fold Path: set of rules to follow that will guide your life and eliminate desire Afterlife: Reincarnation Other Beliefs/Facts: 1. Nirvana: the state of perfect being 2. Restricts the harsh rules of Hindu society
Judaism Founding/ Person: Abraham -Hebrew people were enslaved in Egypt and God helped them escape Place: Iraq (Fertile Cresent) Time: 1300 BCE Belief in god(s): Monotheistic Holy Books: Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) Code of Conduct: Ten Commandments Afterlife: doesn’t really say (Heaven) Other Beliefs/Facts: 1. First monotheistic religion 2. Believe that they are still waiting for the Messiah and that they made a covenant with God. 3. Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur 4. Influenced Islam and Christianity
Christianity Founding/ Person: Jesus Christ Place: Palestine (Middle East) Time: 1 st century BCE (100-1) Belief in god(s): Monotheistic Holy Books:Bible Code of Conduct: Ten Commandments Other Beliefs/Facts: *most practiced* 1. Mercy, sympathy, equality for all, especially the poor 2. God sent Jesus Christ to earth to save humanity form consequences of sin. 3. Resurrection (3 days later) 4. Jesus is the promised Messiah (how is this different from Judaism?)
Islam Founding/ Person: Muhammad Place: Arabian Peninsula (Middle East) Time: 610 CE Belief in god(s): Monotheistic (Allah) Holy Books: Koran (Quran) Code of Conduct: 5 pillars : no god but Allah, pray 5 times a day, make a pilgrimage to Mecca once, fast during month of Ramadan, give alms ($) to the poor Other Beliefs/Facts: split in the religion after Muhammad’s death 1. Sunni (majority-85%): believe next prophet should be elected and appointed off of election and consensus (tradition) 2. Shiites: believe the successor should be family/ blood relative
Animism Founding/ Person: no single founder Place: Africa (and multiple parts of world) Time: pre-historic Belief in god(s): none; everything has a spirit Holy Books: oral tradition Code of Conduct: oral tradition Other Beliefs/Facts: 1. Shaman (good and evil spirits) 2. Medicine Man/ Woman