La catedral de Córdoba
Vocabulary Roman god janus: A two headed god Visigoths: Gemanic people who raided Roman territories in Spain in the 4th century AD Caliph: A ruler of the Muslim community Caliph of Damascus: 677 Damascus: Capital of Syria, Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest contunually inhabited cities in the world.
1. (Romans 600 years, from 218 BC to AD 409) RomanTemple of Janus: Destroyed. The double-headed god of Janus adorned doorways and gates. 2. Church by the Visigoths: (on the site of the temple 572) 3. Great Mosque by the Caliph of Damascus in 756 (Convirted the church) 4. The mosque was convirted into the cathedral 1236 the city was captured by Ferdinand III
With the onset of the barbarian invasions of the 6th century, Roman society on the Iberian peninsula crumbled, and Córdoba fell to the Visigoths. In 756 the Caliph of Damascus set up his court at Córdoba and laid the foundations for the most glorious period of the city's history. He began building the Great Mosque, on the site of a Roman temple of Janus, which had been converted into a church by the Visigoths.
Over 600 pillars
In a mosque the mihrab indicates the direction one should face during prayer
Catholic Altar