By: Ben and Mary
Food Men hunted deer, ducks, elk, wild birds, and other wild animals. They farmed wild rice, squash, corn, melons, tobacco, and beans. They tapped into maple trees to make maple syrup. The men caught fish.
Clothing Men wore leggings, breech cloth and fringed shirts. Women wore knee length dresses
Housing Potawatomi lived in wigwams and long houses. Wigwams were made of birch bark cloth and tree branches. Wigwams were made in a dome shape. Long houses where made of tree branches and covered with tree bark. Long houses were typically around feet, some where 318 feet.
Location Southern Michigan Most of Illinois and Ohio Eastern Wisconsin.
Influence of Europeans They treaded guns and other materials. The French also brought some dieses.
Belifes Many were christen. They believed in the great spirit. The great spirit was observed through nature.
What the traditional story told about their beliefs They believed that the four legs of turtle represented the four cardinal directions north, south, east, and west. When all legs are drawn in all directions are lost.
Bibliography Schonberg, Marcia. Michigan Native Peoples (Heinemann State Studies). Chicago: Heinemann, Print. Gibson, Karen Bush. The Potawatomi (Native Peoples). New York: Bridgestone Books, Print. "Native American long house -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 14 Dec
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