Invasive Species are Bugging Me! “Waiter, what’s this fly doing in my soup?” “Looks like the backstroke, sir.”
THE BIG QUESTION: Why are invasive species an environmental problem here in Pennsylvania?
What are INVASIVE SPECIES? Organisms that are brought from another ecosystem, overpopulate quickly, and cause harm to the environment, human health, or the economy
Why are they a problem? Have no natural predators in their new ecosystem Crowd out and compete with NATIVE species for resources (food, water, etc) Cost $138 BILLION in damage per year!
Invasive Species harm humans! The sap of the GIANT HOGWEED causes painful blistering when exposed to the sun.
Pests Threaten Biodiversity Don’t be fooled by its pretty looks! This weed is a pest! They take over and outgrow the native plants. This is purple loosestrife
Pests Destroy Ecosystems and Cause Disease These puddles were caused by wild pigs in Hawaii. They erode the soil and attract mosquitoes that may carry malaria
They Cause Property Damage! ZEBRA MUSSELS clog drainage and intake pipes
How do they get here? Some get here on purpose: Used for landscaping Exotic pet that gets abandoned Tribute to Shakespeare!?
Tribute FAIL 100 European starlings were brought to Central Park between as a tribute to Shakespeare and his works. Now there are over 200 MILLION across the entire US! A flock of starlings once flew into a jet plane engine, causing a plane crash, killing 62 people!
How else do they get here? By accident Aquatic animals get transported via ballast water in cargo ships Wood-boring insects hide inside wood shipping crates Seeds ‘hitch-hike” in tire or shoe treads
This diagram explains what ballast water is. Do you see how invasive species can be transported?
Examples of Invasive Species Threatening PA Ecosystems PLANTS Kudzu Purple loosestrife Giant Hogweed Multi flora Rose ANIMALS Asian Long- horned beetle Northern snakehead Zebra mussel
So what can we do about them? What is the solution for Invasive Species?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) A SUSTAINABLE way of dealing with pests that does not harm the environment. Emphasizes PREVENTION, using harmful chemical pesticides as the last option
IPM “PYRAMID” PREVENTION Stop pests from getting there in the first place PHYSICAL Remove the pests by hand PREDATOR Get another living thing to kill or eat it PESTICIDE Use a chemical or poison to kill it (weed killer, bug spray) 1 st choice Last choice
Is this an invasive species?
DO NOW! Using the IPM pyramid, develop a plan to get control mice in your home. Write your answer on your summary sheet.
Now it’s your Turn! Research one invasive species that threatens PA ecosystems Present your findings to the class using one of these formats: “Wanted Poster” Powerpoint Google doc Class wiki page entry
What you must include Common name(s) of the invasive species Scientific name, written correctly Written description and/or picture How it got here Why it is invasive/what damage it causes What IPM methods are used to control it