July 1969: Apollo 11 and the first lunar landing Close Encounters
This photograph was taken from Apollo 11 as it approached the moon.
The lunar lander floats free on its way to the moon's surface.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin takes up his post as lunar module pilot. This picture was taken by commander Neil Armstrong before the landing.
Buzz Aldrin stands on the moon's surface next to the lunar module on July 20, The astronauts' footprints are clearly visible in the foreground.
Buzz Aldrin poses next to the flag during an unscheduled photo session. The lunar module is on the left.
Buzz Aldrin works to set up experiments during Apollo 11's single 2.5-hour moonwalk. This is the solar wind composition experiment, part of the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package, or EASEP.
Buzz Aldrin, struck by all the bootprints he and Neil Armstrong were making, took this photograph. Commander Armstrong took most of the pictures on the moon.
Buzz Aldrin's helmet visor catches the reflection of photographer Neil Armstrong. This is the only photo actually showing Armstrong on the lunar surface.
Neil Armstrong, tired but elated, sits in the lunar lander before takeoff.
This view of Earth rising over the moon's horizon was taken from the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
The lunar module's ascent stage nears the Apollo 11 command module with Earthrise in the background. The picture was taken by Michael Collins, who remained in lunar orbit.
Earth appears in half shadow, as photographed from the returning Apollo 11 spacecraft.
President Richard Nixon meets the Apollo 11 astronauts while they were still in quarantine after their return to Earth.