Wild Type Drosophila
Ommatidium 8 Photoreceptor cells (R1-R8) 4 Cone cells (secrete lens) 8 Pigment cells
Wild Type Eye Phenotype
Eyeless Mutant Phenotype (hypomorphic allele)
DNA Paired Domain Protein
Figure 1A LacZ No Transcription of LacZ Gal4 Enhancer-Trap Method
Figure 1A LacZ Enhancer that controls expression in specific tissues Gal4 Enhancer-Trap Method
Figure 1A LacZ Tissue-specific Expression of Gal4 Gal4 Enhancer-Trap Method Tissue-specific Expression of LacZ
Figure 1 Eye-Antennal disc wing disc leg disc
Figure 1A LacZ Gal4 Enhancer-Trap Method Enhancer that controls expression in imaginal disc cells Transcription of LacZ in imginal disc cells
Figure 1A Enhancer that controls expression in imaginal disc cells Transcription of eyeless in imginal disc cells
Figure 2
Figure 3
DNA Paired Domain Protein Drosophila ey, mouse Pax-6 (sey) and Human Pax-6 (Aniridia) genes are ~ 94% similar in Paired domain
Enhancer that controls expression in imaginal disc cells Transcription of Pax-6 in imginal disc cells Pax-6 Ectopic Expression of Mouse Pax-6 Gene
Figure 5 Ectopic Expression of Mouse Pax-6 Gene
Aniridia -- Human Pax-6 Mutation Absence of the iris
Xenopus Oocyte Animal Pole Vegetal Pole
Xwnt-11 mRNA Localization Xwnt-11 is Drosophila wingless homogue
Normal Ventralized
Embryo Grafting Experiment
Goosecoid Protein Expression
Embryo Grafting Experiment Inject mRNAs For Chordin etc.
Formation of ventral structures
Normal Dorsalized