Kristina C. Erasmo, M.D.
URINARY SYSTEM Kidneys (paired) Ureters (paired) Urinary bladder Urethra
Functions of the Urinary System Production of urine – Elimination of metabolic waste products – Fluid and electrolyte balance Production of hormones/enzymes – Renin – Erythropoietin – Calcitriol
KIDNEYS Bean-shaped, reddish-brown organ cm Posterior abdominal wall T12-L3
KIDNEYS Hilus Renal pelvis Major calyx Minor calyx
KIDNEYS Cortex Medulla Medullary pyramids Medullary rays Renal columns Renal lobe
Nephron Functional unit of the kidney Approx. 1.5 million
Nephron Functional unit of the kidney Approx. 1.5 million
Parts of a Nephron Renal corpuscle Renal tubule – Proximal convoluted tubule – Thin and thick limbs of Henle’s loop – Distal convoluted tubule – Collecting tubules and ducts
Renal Corpuscle Located in the cortex (grainy appearance) 200 um diameter Consists of a tuft of capillaries (glomerulus) surrounded by a double-walled epithelial capsule called Bowman’s (glomerular) capsule
Renal Corpuscle Vascular pole – Afferent arteriole enters, efferent arteriole leaves Urinary pole – Where the renal tubule begins
Glomerulus Results from the breakup of an afferent arteriole Drain into a single efferent arteriole Fenestrated capillaries
Glomerulus Mesangial cells Juxtaglomerular cells
Glomerulus Mesangial cells – Stellate-shaped cells – Found in the CT surrounding the glomerular capillaries – Contractile cells, phagocytes
Glomerulus Juxtaglomerular cells – Polyhedral cells – Found in tunica media of afferent arteriole before it enters the vascular pole – Contain secretory granules – Responsible for production of renin
Bowman’s Capsule Visceral layer – Internal, envelops the capillaries of the glomerulus Parietal layer – External, forms the outer limit of the renal corpuscle
Bowman’s Capsule Visceral layer – Internal, envelops the capillaries of the glomerulus Parietal layer – External, forms the outer limit of the renal corpuscle
Bowman’s Capsule Urinary (Bowman’s) space – Between the two layers of Bowman's capsule – Receives the fluid filtered through the capillary wall and the visceral layer
Bowman’s Capsule Visceral layer – Made up of podocytes (cell body + primary processes) – Primary processes give rise to secondary processes (pedicels) that embrace the capillaries of the glomerulus – Filtration slits – small spaces between adjacent processes
Bowman’s Capsule Parietal layer – Simple squamous epithelium – Basal lamina – Thin layer of reticular fibers – Epithelium changes to simple cuboidal or low columnar at level of urinary pole
Filtration Barrier Between the fenestrated endothelial cells of the glomerular capillaries and the podocytes that cover their external surfaces is a thick basement membrane
Filtration Barrier Separates the urinary space and the blood in the capillaries From fusion of basal laminae of capillary and podocyte